If you’re studying to become a nurse or if you’re already working as one, you’re in for a tough journey. Overnight shifts, long days and plenty of responsibilities await.
As a nurse, you’re going to end up carrying a million things, from books, stethoscopes, change of clothes, personal hygiene items to large medical equipment. And that’s not all, the list of things you’ll be carrying can go a long way!
In this case, a good backpack is essential and not just any bag will do. Depending on whether you’re studying to become a nurse or if you’re already one, you’ll need to prioritize different things.
However, some features/things are consistent: quality, space and comfort should be the main features to look for.
To ease up the process and help you choose smartly, we’ve put together a list of our top 15 recommendations.
Contents show 1 Best Backpacks For Nurses 2 SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA Backpack 3 Timbuk2 Uptown Travel-Friendly Backpack 4 JanSport Big Student Backpack 5 High Sierra Freewheel Wheeled Laptop Backpack 6 High Sierra Swerve Laptop Backpack 7 Under Armour Hustle 3.0 Backpack 8 Herschel Pop Quiz Backpack 9 Swiss Gear SA1908 Backpack 10 The North Face Recon Backpack 11 Adidas Prime Iv Backpack 12 Mancro School Backpack for Women 13 Targus Legend IQ Backpack 14 Matein Travel Backpack 15 BROMO BARCELONA Colorado Backpack 16 Eastsport Tech Backpack 16.1 Related posts:Best Backpacks For Nurses
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA 17-Inch Laptop Backpack, Gray Heather | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | TIMBUK2 Uptown Laptop Backpack, Surplus | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | JANSPORT Big Student Backpack (Black) | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | High Sierra Freewheel Wheeled Laptop Backpack, Black, 20.5 x 13.5 x 8-Inch | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | High Sierra Swerve Laptop Backpack, Black, One Size | Buy on Amazon |
SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA Backpack
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When it comes to backpacks, we don’t believe there’s such thing as too many pockets. Plenty of pockets mean plenty of organization and a lot of space, which is exactly what we’re looking for.
There’s no secret that SwissGear products are extremely reliable and the 1900 model is no exception. With 12 main compartments and many organizers within those pockets, you’re gonna find a place for each item you own.
Timbuk2 Uptown Travel-Friendly Backpack
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The Timbuk2 Uptown Backpack is designed for those who are always on the move. In other words, this is a perfect fit for a nurse or for a nursing student.
The straps are extremely well padded, and remain comfortable over a long period of time. It even has a small snap-on chest strap to keep the two shoulder straps in place.
One of the best things about the backpack is the laptop compartment. It’s well-padded and almost completely unzips, which is very convenient not only for security checks but also for easier access at work.
JanSport Big Student Backpack
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As the name suggests, this backpack is designed with busy students in mind who require a lot of functionality and space. And as a nurse, these features are exactly what you should be looking for.
The backpack comes in a simpler design and although smaller in size than others, you will be surprised how much you can stuff in it. A nice advantage is that the backpack is easy to clean, just throw it in the washer and then hang dry.
High Sierra Freewheel Wheeled Laptop Backpack
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This model from High Sierra has one feature that stands out from the other backpacks: the freewheel. This is an extremely useful feature especially for those days when you know you’ll be carrying a lot or you have an overnight shift.
Apart from that, the backpack has a lot of compartments and plenty of different size pockets, making it easier to organize everything.
High Sierra Swerve Laptop Backpack
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Another great product from High Sierra is the Swerve Backpack. This backpack is very similar to the one mentioned earlier, except it’s not freewheeled.
The backpack is very spacious, with large main compartments and multiple pockets allowing you to keep everything organized and secure. There’s plenty of space for your medical supplies equipment, change of clothes, heavy books and even your laptop.
Under Armour Hustle 3.0 Backpack
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The main feature of any Under Armour product is the extra comfort that comes with it. The Hustle 3.0 Backpack is no exception. With a simple approach, this backpack is incredibly spacious, comes in multiple colors and at a great price.
Apart from the main compartments, the backpack has an under pocket which is perfect for storing your shoes separate from your changing clothes or medical equipment.
Herschel Pop Quiz Backpack
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You’re probably wondering why we haven’t mentioned Herschel already and you’re right to do so. Herschel is an extremely reliable brand when it comes to backpacks and you can never go wrong with one.
Although not so large in size as others, the Pop Quiz has its own advantages. It has an elegant design, it’s Waterproof and it comes in a variety of colors. It’s the perfect choice for when you only need to carry a few things and don’t want the hassle of a heavy backpack.
Swiss Gear SA1908 Backpack
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We’ve already talked about SwissGear and how reliable and durable their backpacks are. The SA1908 backpack is no exception. This backpack does a great job at combining elegance with comfort.
The backpack offers plenty of space and lots of large compartments. The different sized pockets are perfect if you plan on carrying a set of clothes or extra pair of shoes with you, since you can store them separately.
The North Face Recon Backpack
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Another backpack from a big brand, The North Face Recon comes in a lot of colors and designs. So if you plan on getting something more customized, then this is the perfect chance.
The backpack has lots of compartments and it’s smartly designed so it’s comfortable even when you’re carrying heavy weight.
Adidas Prime Iv Backpack
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Another great backpack that offers plenty of space and comfort is the Prime Iv model from adidas. It has a lifetime warranty and fully reflective accent panels to keep you seen day or night.
With lots of pockets and compartments, you can distribute and organize your stuff efficiently without worrying if everything will fit.
Mancro School Backpack for Women
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The Mancro School Backpack for women, contrary to its name, it’s not designed only for women. It’s true that it has a more elegant approach and comes in a smaller size, but it’s a perfect fit for men as well.
If you’re not planning on carrying too much heavy stuff, then this backpack might be the best fit for you. It’s comfortable, it looks elegant and it’s waterproof.
Targus Legend IQ Backpack
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The Legend IQ backpack from Targus is the perfect for carrying your medical equipment safe, due to its padded pockets. It also has a separate section that it’s lined with soft-touch material, for the more fragile ones.
The backpack comes in black, it’s very comfortable to wear and offers plenty of space and pockets. It’s perfect for organizing everything, from smaller items to larger ones.
Matein Travel Backpack
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The Matein backpack has an excellent price quality ratio and it’s incredibly versatile. Apart from being an excellent fit for a nurse, this backpack can be used as a laptop backpack, school bag and travel backpack as well.
It has 3 large main compartments and lots of smaller pockets that can keep everything organized and easy to find.
BROMO BARCELONA Colorado Backpack
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The Bromo Barcelona Colorado backpack is a great choice if you have lots of overnight shifts or if you’re carrying an extra change of clothes with you often.
Due to the lack of interior compartments, it might not be a good fit for transporting medical equipment or fragile items in it, but you can check our list of backpacks for medical school for an alternative.
Eastsport Tech Backpack
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If you just start a new job as a nurse or just starting college soon and you’re in need of a backpack, then the Eastsport Tech backpack is the right fit for you. It comes at a really low price and with a colorful and chic design.
This backpack can hold you every day stuff, like textbooks, laptop, personal items and even a stethoscope.
Due to its small size, we don’t recommend this backpack for those busy days when an overnight shift awaits or for heavy carrying.
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