Finding the best international backpack is crucial before any big adventure. Choosing an international backpack which is the right fit for you can be a tough decision. How do you know which brands are going to last a lifetime of international backpacking, and which will break on your first trip?
To help you prepare for all your future adventures we’re giving you our guide to the best international backpacks on the market in 2019.
What’s the best size backpack for me? This is the first question you need to ask yourself.
Contents show 1 Best Backpacks For International Travel 2 Osprey Farpoint 40 3 Osprey Atmos 65 4 Nomatic Travel Bag 5 SwissGear Scansmart 1900 6 Hynes Eagle 38L Weekender 7 Ogio Soho Backpack 8 Targus Drifter 2 Backpack 9 Deuter Aircontact lite 50+10 10 Vango Contour 11 Briggs and Riley Verb Advance Backpack 12 Herschel Little America Backpack 13 Fjallraven Kanken No. 2 14 Teton Sports 55L Backpack 15 High Sierra Pathway 50L 16 Oakley Kitchen Sink 17 Timbuk2 Travel Friendly Backpack 18 Superdry Montana 19 Montera Vintage Backpack 20 Barbour Beauly Backpack 21 JollyChic Rolling Backpack 22 Sumtree 35L Foldable Backpack 22.1 Related posts:Best Backpacks For International Travel
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Osprey Packs FARPOINT 40, Volcanic Grey, Medium/Large | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Osprey Atmos Ag 65 Backpack, Rigby Red, Small | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | NOMATIC 40L Travel Bag- Duffel/Backpack, Carry-on Size for Airplane Travel, Everyday Use with TSA… | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA Laptop Backpack -Urban Heather | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Hynes Eagle 38L Flight Approved Weekender Carry on Backpack Black with 3PCS Packing Cubes | Buy on Amazon |
International travel might mean you’re looking for the best carry on backpack, something small. In this case, you’re looking anywhere between 30L and 45L anything smaller means you’re going to be very tight for space, and bigger won’t work as a carry on backpack for international travel.
However, if you’re taking hold luggage then you can look in the 10L to 30L range for a small backpack for the plane.
If you’re looking for the best international backpack to use as your main luggage you want to look at about 50L to 65L. This will give you enough space for your clothes, shoes and travel essentials.
Anything bigger than 65L is going to be too heavy and is only really designed for hardcore trekking and hiking trips.
If you’re still not sure, our list of the best international backpacks covers various sizes and styles to help you choose the best backpack for you!
Osprey Farpoint 40
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If you’re heading on a trip to Europe but don’t want to fork out for hold luggage, then this is the best international backpack! It’s one of the best carry on backpacks for international travel.
It has features designed for comfort like the hip and shoulder straps. It’s great for fitting all your travel essentials and even a laptop.
40L is a perfect size for international carry on luggage without compromising too much on space. For practicality, it has zippable front pockets, a mesh water bottle pocket and it’s very easy to lock. This is a very high-quality backpack, really not bad for its price tag.
Osprey Atmos 65
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Opsrey is a huge name when it comes to international backpacking. They’re well known for the quality of their bags which is why you will always find them near the top of any best backpack guide.
This is one of the best international backpacking bags, big enough for those long travels or even camping trips but still a manageable size.
Atmos is a great bag for those organized travelers out there, plenty of pockets and compartments. The back panel is even designed to keep you cool in the heat!
The biggest selling point of this bag has to be comfort provided by the big padded straps and hip belt. So for comfort and versatility on your next international trip, this one is a winner!
Nomatic Travel Bag
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The 40L bag is innovative, efficient and well designed, perfect if you can travel light. It began as a Kickstarter campaign and is now used worldwide. Its size means it’s the best backpack for weekends or single week trips, but for any longer, you would need more space.
If you’re going for the digital nomad lifestyle and need your laptop and essentials perfectly organized then this bag is great! This is one of the best minimalist bags on the market and perfect for international travel.
SwissGear Scansmart 1900
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If you can’t already tell by the name SwissGear backpacks are reliable, long-lasting and practical. If you have a checklist for the perfect international travel backpack you’re going to hit plenty of points with this one.
Durable, water-resistant, ventilated and comfortable. It’s got plenty of pockets for organization and a TSA compliant laptop compartment. The perfect practical carry on backpack.
Hynes Eagle 38L Weekender
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Now if you want to be super organized this weekender backpack is the ticket. Not only do you get a backpack but it comes with 3 packing cubes to help keep all your stuff organized. It’s 38L so a good middle range capacity carry on backpack.
Sick of digging to the bottom of your bag to find your toothbrush? Well now you don’t have to with the Weekender’s nifty design in opens like a suitcase so you can easily sort your belongings.
Ogio Soho Backpack
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When you’re traveling so often you need to choose practicality over style. The Ogio Soho backpack is one of the most stylish international carry on backpacks. If you want something with a little more flair then this is a great option.
It can still fit a 15” laptop and works perfectly as a carry on backpack. For those of you who struggle to pack lightly, however, this may not be the best bag for you.
Targus Drifter 2 Backpack
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This is another great international business backpack. Padded containers for your valuable tech (it fits up to a 17-inch monitor) and other pockets for your files and essentials.
The padded back also has a secret compartment, great for your keys and money.
Deuter Aircontact lite 50+10
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If you’re serious about international backpacking, then you need a bigger bag. This backpack has all the bells and whistles you need for a bag this big to be comfortable: ventilation, weight distribution, padded hip belt, and an ergonomic internal frame.
This is a great all season backpack full of all the pockets and compartments you could want. A great choice for international hold luggage without all the problems of a suitcase.
Vango Contour
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Vango is a big name in hiking backpacks and it’s not hard to see why. If you buy a Vango for your next round the world trip, you can bank on it making it there back and on a dozen more long trips without any issues.
It’s durable and waterproof, key components of any good international backpacking bag.
The contour helps to distribute the weight of the bag so anyone can carry it. At 60L it’s great as hold luggage to fit everything you need for a few months away.
Briggs and Riley Verb Advance Backpack
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For a combination of fashionable and useful this bag is well worth the price tag. It’s U shaped zip allows for easy access and the durable handles give a comfortable grip. It’s actually just under 30L so for those of you who can’t pack light keep moving.
However, if you want something smaller as your carry on then you can’t go wrong with this one for comfort and organization. It even comes with a lifetime performance warranty which protects against airline damage!
Herschel Little America Backpack
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The best international backpack in terms of style has to be from the backpack gurus at Herschel. Of course, the brand comes with the quality assurance that this will be a bag to last.
It’s not just a pretty bag, the back is padded to provide you comfort alongside your style. It’s also available in more colors than you can shake a stick at, so for a fashionable carry on bag pick this one!
Fjallraven Kanken No. 2
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Maybe you’ve made it to this point in your life without ever hearing of Fjallraven Kanken, but it’s unlikely. For those of you who haven’t heard of them, Fjallraven Kanken is famous for quality and stylish bags which are definitely on trend right now.
The No.2 model is very similar to their classic bag, with a few fresher details. Necessity meets style in this bag, durable water-resistant material, roomy and fashionable.
This is a great carry on bag for trips within Europe especially when you want to look your best. It’s only a 16L bag so you would want to have luggage in the hold too unless you’re a super pro at packing!
You can use this bag for international travel and continue to use it as your main bag once you’re in country. Double win!
Teton Sports 55L Backpack
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For a good size international backpacking bag which fits everything you need, look no further! Teton Sports have a variety of bags but the 65L is a good size for international travel and it can also work for camping and hiking trips.
It’s one of the top-selling internal frame backpacks on Amazon, so they must be doing something right! It’s from a trusted brand who have a great customer service team if you do run into any problems.
High Sierra Pathway 50L
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50L is a really good size for international travel. It’s big enough to fit everything you need without being huge and bulky. Anyone can easily manage this bag.
The padded straps and hip belt help to distribute the weight of the bag evenly and keep you as comfortable as possible.
It has an airflow back panel to keep you cool and internal dividers to keep everything organized. The Pathway backpack is a nice middle ground between a smaller carry on backpack and a bigger backpacking bag.
Oakley Kitchen Sink
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If you didn’t guess from the name, this backpack aims to let you carry everything you need onto your next international flight. It can carry all your gear without being too huge.
It’s 34l which is on the smaller end of the carry on bags, however, its outer hooks, pockets, and pouches make it a good choice for your carry on luggage without being overly heavy.
Timbuk2 Travel Friendly Backpack
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For short business trips or city breaks, this is a great backpack. It works well as a carry on backpack and the design actually allows you to keep your laptop inside when you go through security.
Its sleek design means it also works well moving around in a city and it’s too bulky to take into a meeting. Perfect for those weekends away.
Superdry Montana
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The Montana is available in both male and female versions and a variety of styles. It’s a high ranking backpack for style.
It may not match up to some of the others for practicality but for an attractive carry on bag, this one has a very good mid-range price tag.
Montera Vintage Backpack
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For the vintage traveler style, you can’t go wrong with the Montera Vintage backpack. It’s practical with extra buckle loops on the outside and a handle so you can even carry it like a briefcase when you need to.
It’s a 33L bag so at the smaller end of the carry-ons but still a great size for your laptop and other essentials.
Barbour Beauly Backpack
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Barbour’s beauly backpack is a nice and simple choice for your carry on backpack. It comes with adjustable straps and the classic Barbour tag. If you’re not a minimalist or a big fan of Barbour, then this isn’t the bag for you.
However, for those Barbour fans or anyone wanting a nice and simple bag then this is a great option!
JollyChic Rolling Backpack
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Now, this is a very nifty little design. Tired of always carrying your weight on your back? Easily switch between a backpack and a rolling suitcase with this rolling backpack!
Although it may not be the most fashionable of designs it is incredibly useful especially if you’re often carting around heavy things. Make that next trip to the airport a little more comfortable with this bag.
Sumtree 35L Foldable Backpack
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If lightweight is at the top of your checklist then you can beat the Sumtree backpack. This is the best international backpack if you need something that takes up minimal space.
It’s a great daypack but it also folds away and is completely packable. Definitely choose this one for a weekend away when you’re tight on space!
So for your next international adventure, you’re now armed with our guide to the best international backpacks on the market for 2019. Whether you’re an organized minimalist or a vibrant hippy backpacker hopefully you’ve found a bag in this list to suit your needs.
Whichever backpack you’ve gone for we hope you have an awesome trip!
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