Finding a good backpack for hiking can be a difficult task. You need to be extremely comfortable but at the same time you also need to carry your equipment, which can get heavy, depending on where you’re going. This leads us backpacks!
Sling backpacks can offer more flexibility than regular backpacks, which is very important while hiking. Having one hand completely free and easier access to your gear, a single strap backpack can make a huge difference.
Just as regular backpacks, they come in different sizes and prioritize different features. We put together a list of our ten favorite sling backpacks for hiking and we’re confident you’ll find one for you.
Contents show 1 Best Sling Backpacks For Hiking 2 Maxpedition Sitka Gearslinger 3 Maxpedition Kodiak Gearslinger 4 Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rambler 5 ArcEnCiel Tactical Sling Pack 6 Red Rock Outdoor Gear – Rover Sling Pack 7 5.11 RUSH MOAB 8 G4Free Outdoor Tactical Backpack 9 3V Gear Posse Tactical Sling Pack 10 TravTac Stage II Small Sling Bag 11 Huntvp Tactical Military Sling Chest Pack 11.1 Related posts:Best Sling Backpacks For Hiking
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Maxpedition Sitka Gearslinger | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Maxpedition Kodiak Gearslinger, Black | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rambler Sling Pack | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | ArcEnCiel Tactical Sling Pack Military Molle Chest Crossbody Shoulder Bags with Patch | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Rover Sling Pack Tornado/Blue | Buy on Amazon |
Maxpedition Sitka Gearslinger
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The first one our list is the Sitka Gearslinger from Maxpedition. Weighing only 3 pounds and with a capacity of 15L, this backpacks offers the features of a regular backpack, and then some more.
Designed as a single shoulder bag that can be rotated to the front of your body, the Gearslinger offers maximum flexibility on your hiking trip. The bag has an advanced carrying system that distributes the weight of the bag to the whole shoulder and upper arm.
Made of durable and water proof material and compatible with a hydration reservoir, this backpack can be trusted on your next hiking trip.
Maxpedition Kodiak Gearslinger
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The Kodiak is another great choice from Maxpedition and it’s very similar to the Sitka. The main difference between the two of them is that the Kodiak has a total capacity of 23L, instead of 15.
The backpack comes with an anti-theft zipper capture system, ergonomic fixed strap and a large main compartment.
In terms of design, the Kodiak looks pretty much the same as Sitka, they both have that classic military look and come in 4 colors. The only question is how much you plan on carrying on your next trip.
Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rambler
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Smaller in size than the ones from Maxpedition, this single strap backpack weighs only 2.4 lbs and has a total capacity of 16 liters. The Rambler Sling pack from Red Rock is the perfect choice if you’re planning a one or two day hike and you don’t need to carry that much equipment
The bag has a water bottle pocket sized to fit up to 32 oz. bottle, is hydration compatible up to 2.5 liters and comes with an anti theft system for zipper pulls. The single padded shoulder strap is adjustable and stretches from left shoulder to right hip.
ArcEnCiel Tactical Sling Pack
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This awesome sling backpack from ArcEnCiel is definitely one of our favorite choice. Why? Because it looks cool, it’s well made, lightweight and has all the features you need for a great price.
The backpack has a Molle system on both sides, meaning you can load pockets, water bottles and accessory kits to it. In other words, you can expand the space to your preference and personalize it as much as you want.
Although the backpack is not water proof, the material is well constructed nylon and it protects your equipment from getting wet, so you don’t really have to worry about getting caught in the rain.
Red Rock Outdoor Gear – Rover Sling Pack
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Here’s another choice from Red Rock Outdoor Gear, the Rover Sling Pack. What’s different from the Rambler? The volume and the dimensions.
Besides that, they pretty much have the same features and look the same.
The Rover is smaller in size and can carry a total volume on 9 liters instead of 16. Due to its smaller size, we recommend this backpack for one day trips or as an additional bag.
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5.11 is a trusted name when it comes to outdoor gear. MOAB is an acronym for Mobile Operation Attachment Bag and all of the packs from the series are made with the ability to connect with each other if needed.
The bag has a Molle system which we talked about earlier and the shoulder strap is ambidextrous so you can switch it to whichever side you want to carry on.
We love the design of this backpack and the fact that you can combine it with the larger ones from the same series is definitely an advantage.
G4Free Outdoor Tactical Backpack
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Sometimes all you want to bring with you on a your hike is a bottle of water, maybe an extra pair of shoes and some clothes. There’s no point in carrying around an empty large pack and the G4Free Tactical Backpack was made exactly for these days.
Weighing only one pound and with a total capacity of 7L, this is the perfect choice for a relaxed Sunday walk through the forest with your family.
3V Gear Posse Tactical Sling Pack
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If we’re talking about smaller backpacks, the Posse Tactical Pack from 3V Gear is definitely worth mentioning.
The bag is small enough to carry the essentials on your hiking trip and it can be worn on either shoulders, making it a great option for both men and women.
The bag also features a stabilizer strap which buckles to the shoulder strap for better support. It comes in four colors, is water proof and is also suitable for carrying a concealed weapon.
TravTac Stage II Small Sling Bag
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The Stage II carries your daily essentials without the unwanted bulk of a larger bag. Even smaller than the last two, the TravTac Stage II sling bag has a capacity of only 5L.
Although small in size, this backpack has plenty of pockets for organizing and carrying your gear.
The backpack is ambidextrous and configurable in three ways (shoulder pack, chest or back sling). Due do the Molle system, the bag can be easily customize and extended, if needed.
Remember, it’s not the size of the bag that counts, but what you need to fit in it.
Huntvp Tactical Military Sling Chest Pack
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If you feel like we’ve talked about this pack before, it’s because it looks the same as the ArcEnCiel Tactical Sling Pack.
The main reasons we love this backpack is that it comes at a great price and has all the features the more expensive ones have. The Molle system, which is great for hiking, water proof, water bottle side pocket and high strength buckle, for better support.
Weighing only 2 pounds, this backpack can even fit a 14 inches laptop.
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