Trying to fit your soccer gear into a regular backpack is a sure way to get frustrated with a lack of space and badly fitting compartments, make your backpack fall apart faster and eventually come home with a dirty and smelly backpack. In other words, it’s a bad idea.
Investing in a high-quality soccer backpack will pay dividends for a long time. Modern soccer backpacks are spaciously designed with in-built ball pockets, dedicated compartments for your dirty gear, ventilated pockets and a plethora of other features to ensure that packing and carrying your equipment is a breeze.
There are many soccer backpacks available and finding the perfect one can be difficult and time-consuming (not to mention subjective), but we’ve looked at a wide variety of models to come up with the best backpacks on the market. So if you’re looking for a great soccer backpack, these are your options.
Contents show 1 Best Soccer Backpacks 2 Nike Club Team Swoosh Backpack 3 Adidas Stadium II Backpack 4 Under Armour Striker Soccer Backpack 5 Athletico National Soccer Bag 6 DashSport Soccer Backpack 7 RitzKitz The Ultimate Sports Bag 8 Diadora Squadra Backpack 9 J-Mitch Soccer Backpack 10 SoccerWare Backpack 11 Vizari Sport Solano Backpack 12 SoccerWare Bag Backpack 12.1 Related posts:Best Soccer Backpacks
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Nike Club Team Swoosh Backpack Black/White Size One Size | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | adidas Stadium II Backpack, Black, One Size | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Under Armour Striker Soccer Backpack Navy Size One Size | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | Athletico National Soccer Bag – Backpack for Soccer, Basketball & Football Includes Separate… | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Soccer Backpack – Basketball Backpack – Youth Kids Ages 6 and Up – with Ball Compartment – All… | Buy on Amazon |
Nike Club Team Swoosh Backpack
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When it comes to soccer apparel, Nike is a brand that needs no introduction as the official provider of soccer equipment for some the best teams in the world like Barcelona, Manchester United and many others.
The Nike Club Team Swoosh backpack is a unisex, one-size-fits-all model that’s extremely spacious and can act as your sports bag regardless if you need it for soccer, basketball, volleyball or something else. Its versatility and non-committal design make it rank consistently as one of the most popular and highly rated backpacks on the market.
This soccer backpack has a large main compartment spacious enough to fit even 2 more soccer balls in addition to the dedicated ball compartment, a separated zippered shoes pocket that is well ventilated and a side mesh pocket for one water bottle. Looking for a cool and well-made backpack from a reputable brand? This is your best option.
Adidas Stadium II Backpack
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The constant rivalry between Nike and Adidas when it comes to producing the best soccer equipment is a good thing for customers worldwide, and this new and improved model from Adidas shows why.
The Adidas Stadium II backpack is a clear upgrade from their previous Stadium model, with most of the kinks and slight faults the customers complained about ironed out. The bag is more spacious, the pockets better designed and deeper, and higher quality materials are being used to provide more support.
This soccer backpack is built to last, backed by a lifetime warranty, has a unique ball pocket that can be worn inside or outside the pack, padded shoulders and two water bottle pockets. Loved by customers worldwide, this Addidas backpack is a top choice as a soccer bag.
Under Armour Striker Soccer Backpack
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The Under Armour is the newest “must-have” sports brand for the younger generation, but we feel the quality of their products does not stand up yet to the titans of the industry. Still, the Under Armour Striker Soccer Backpack is a great choice since it’s been designed specifically for holding soccer gear.
It has an adjustable ball pocket, able to fit any ball size, ergonomic shoulder straps, padded back panel, a cleat tunnel and you can decorate your front panel with your favorite team logos.
Athletico National Soccer Bag
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The Athletico National soccer bag is one of the most affordable backpacks yet still offers all the features you need to carry your soccer equipment.
Unlike dedicated soccer bags, this backpack can also act as an everyday carry pack with a laptop sleeve and 7 accessories pockets separated from the ones supposed to carry your gear.
There is a dedicated cleat compartment well-ventilated to keep the smell out and an inside ball compartment that does not stand out at all if you want to wear this backpack to work or school instead.
Being extremely spacious and able to carry a lot of your stuff, it has a lot of ergonomic features to help you support the heavy load, the padded and adjustable straps and the quality of materials used making it feel extremely comfortable.
DashSport Soccer Backpack
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This DashSport Soccer backpack is designed for kids ages 6 and up, but it’s not a small backpack by any means. Actually, fully extended, the backpack is able to carry up to five fully sized soccer balls.
It has all the features you would expect in a soccer backpack such as a ball holder, ventilated pockets, water bottle pockets and a very ergonomic design with a padded back and adjustable straps so your kid can wear it comfortably.
RitzKitz The Ultimate Sports Bag
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You might not have heard of the RitzKitz brand previously – we certainly didn’t – but when they decided to make the ultimate sports backpack, they really delivered on that goal.
The RitzKitz Ultimate Sports bag is a stylishly designed unisex backpack for all purposes and age groups. They really tried to appeal to a wide demographic with this bag, so it has a great number of features, from bag holders and cleat compartments to laptop sleeves and side reflectors for added safety.
At its core, it’s really a sports backpack, but can be easily worn to an office if you remove the bag holder.
Diadora Squadra Backpack
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The Diador Squadra Backpack is another popular and easily affordable pack which is suitable for both children and adults. It’s not missing any of the features you look for in a soccer bag with a soccer ball pocket, cleat compartments and side pockets in addition to the spacious main compartment.
What’s distinct about this pack is the fact that the ball compartment, despite the fact that’s located on the inside, has a transparent side so you can easily recognize at a glance whether you packed the ball or not. We thought that’s a cool addition that we have seen from very few manufacturers.
J-Mitch Soccer Backpack
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This J-Mitch model is a great soccer backpack for children. The zippered ball holder compartment is stylishly designed and looks like the most significant part of the bag and not an afterthought feature like in other backpacks.
In order to increase visibility and safety at night, both sides of the pack as well as the back contain light reflecting materials. It also features a cleat compartment and a side mesh pocket which can act as a water bottle holder.
SoccerWare Backpack
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The SoccerWare Soccer backpack has a distinct rectangular shaped design which offers a lot of storage space in addition to a unique look. The ball compartment is located on the outside so it does not take storage space away from the main compartment.
It doesn’t feature a separated or ventilated cleat compartment, unlike the high-end models featured before, but it comes at a very affordable price and does the job well.
Vizari Sport Solano Backpack
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The Vizari Solano backpack is a kid’s soccer bag whose main quality is its affordability, being the cheapest soccer backpack in our list.
The bag is pretty small since the bag compartment is located on the inside and can store a size 3 or size 4 ball. If you put a size 5 ball in there, there’s not much space left for anything else.
The bag does not have a dedicated compartment for soccer cleats, but they can be placed one each in the side pockets if you want to save space in the main compartment.
SoccerWare Bag Backpack
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We’ll end our top list with another model from SoccerWare, although to be honest this is more of a bag then a backpack. But it’s a lightweight model with an easy cinch mechanism for opening and closing, so if you don’t want to invest in a fancy backpack yet still want a dedicated bag to carry your soccer gear around, you don’t need to break the bank for this one.
The two external mesh pockets are ideal for carrying soccer cleats (or water bottles) and the main compartment acts as the bag holder. It’s designed primarily for kids, and it’s made of high-quality materials built to endure the heavy abuse that kids usually inflict on their bags.
Whether you’re looking for a soccer backpack for kids or adults, we hope you find something useful in our list.
We tried to cover a wide range of prices, from high-end backpacks made by reputable manufacturers to easily affordable packs from smaller brands, but the main takeaway is that it’s totally worth it to invest in a dedicated backpack for your soccer gear.
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