With the great variety of picnic backpacks on the market, picnicking has never been easier. Gone are the days when you would rifle through multiple bags and pull out a lukewarm bottle of wine, only to realize you left the corkscrew at home.
These compact, insulated backpacks contain everything you need, so that all you need to worry about is bringing the grub.
Whether you rate function over style or vice versa, our top picks for best picnic backpacks ensure there is something for everyone.
Some of these picks are so luxurious that they include wine glasses and a cheese board, while others aim to offer maximum comfort so you can bring a feast along to your weekend hike.
From high value practical spends to premium gifts, take a look at our top 15 choices for the best backpacks out there.
Contents show 1 Best Picnic Backpacks 2 VonShef 4 Person Outdoor Picnic Backpack 3 Sunflora Picnic Backpack 4 California Picnic Backpack 5 INNO STAGE Fish Mouth Picnic Backpack 6 Sunflora Picnic Backpack 7 VonShef 4 Person Premium Outdoor Picnic Backpack 8 Scuddles Picnic Backpack for 4 9 Hap Tim Waterproof Picnic Backpack 10 Gonex Picnic Backpack Bag 4 Person 11 Plush Picnic Backpack 12 Apollo Walker Tawa Picnic Backpack for 4 13 Yonovo 2 Person Picnic Backpack 14 Summerease 4 Person Picnic Backpack 15 Mister Alfresco Picnic Backpack For 2 15.1 Related posts:Best Picnic Backpacks
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | VonShef Premium Picnic Backpack for 4 Person Outdoor Camping Rucksack with Dining Set, Cutlery… | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Sunflora Picnic Backpack for 4 Person with Blanket Picnic Basket Set for 2 with Insulated Cooler… | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Picnic Backpack for 2 | Picnic Basket | Stylish All-in-One Portable Picnic Bag with Complete… | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | Fish Mouth Picnic Backpack for 4, Insulated Cooler Bag with Wide Open Large Capacity, Free… | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Sunflora Picnic Backpack for 4 Person with Blanket Picnic Basket Set for 2 with Insulated Cooler… | Buy on Amazon |
VonShef 4 Person Outdoor Picnic Backpack
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As far as picnic rucksacks go, VonShef’s 4 person pretty much rules all round. It is spacious and comes with a tonne of great features.
There’s a cooler bag, bottle holder and wine carrier, all of which are removable. Everything has its place in this great product. There’s space for cutlery, wine glasses and even often forgotten essentials like a corkscrew.
The fantastic set also includes a waterproof picnic blanket so as long as you bring the food and drink, VonShef will take care of the rest.
What makes this rucksack stand out is the fact that it is not only wonderfully practical, it’s stylish too. It is made from quality canvas and has a simple and attractive layout.
If you’re looking for that sweet spot where function meets style while also being on a budget, this is the picnic rucksack for you.
Sunflora Picnic Backpack
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If you appreciate organization, you’ll be impressed with this product. The tableware compartment is meticulously laid out, so if you have a habit of losing cutlery, you’ll be able to spot a runaway fork with ease.
The set also comes with plastic wine glasses which is also handy if you’ve broken a few glasses in the past. The bag is fitted with an insulated food department as well as with a bottle holder and waterproof picnic blanket.
With a great quality-price ratio, this picnic backpack spells class. It even comes with a cheese board.
California Picnic Backpack
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This high quality back is a close runner-up. The material is attractive and sturdy and you will be hard-pushed to find a single flaw in the design.
The finished appearance of this backpack is paired with ultimate practicality. It contains all the features of its rivals, but promises high quality stainless steel cutlery and two wine glasses.
The picnic backpack comes with a waterproof fleece picnic blanket and is designed to cater for two rather than four.
If you’re looking for a gift that impresses, we’d recommend this sophisticated and stylish backpack.
INNO STAGE Fish Mouth Picnic Backpack
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This affordable backpack is ideal if you prefer to pair your picnic with festivals or hikes.
The practical design makes it comfortable to carry around and it blends in well with other regular backpacks, even though it is far superior.
Users claim that the cooler bag keeps food cold even in scorching heat and the set comes with all the components you need, including cute matching salt and pepper shakers.
The waterproof picnic blanket also claims to be 25% larger than other competitors and the product retails for a modest price, so it is excellent value too.
Sunflora Picnic Backpack
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This great value backpack is ideal for the price. Despite being one of the best picnic backpacks on the market right now, this picnic backpack comes in a classy beige too.
The spacious cooler bag keeps food fresh and you will be impressed at how much you can fit in it.
The different compartments for utensils are also delightfully organized and the bag includes durable TPE wine glasses so you can be assured that they won’t break.
VonShef 4 Person Premium Outdoor Picnic Backpack
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In sixth place, we have the exceptionally stylish VonShef’s premium picnic backpack. It is backed with a waterproof coating so no liquids will be getting in (or out!)
The bag comes with a complete set of high quality utensils including a chopping board and removable wine cooler.
The only aspect of the bag which isn’t top quality is the wine glasses, which have been known to easily shatter, but you can easily replace these with your own if you wish.
Scuddles Picnic Backpack for 4
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This affordable picnic backpack is durable, lightweight and delightfully convenient. It includes all the essentials and even offers washable napkins as well as shatterproof cups.
It has a nice wintery feel with a lovely fleece blanket on the side. It is notably comfortable and is designed to be easy on the shoulders.
The only criticism users have is that it is possibly not as spacious as it could be, considering that it is designed for four people.
For a couple’s afternoon out though, it’s pretty much ideal.
Hap Tim Waterproof Picnic Backpack
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This grey nylon backpack is remarkably stylish and has a luxury feel. The bag is high quality with non-fray stitching so it will reliably hold your lunch for many hikes to come.
The set comes with all the picnic supplies you need, but the utensils are perhaps not as good quality as some of the backpack’s rivals.
However, the price compensates for this, so overall, it’s exceptionally good value for money.
Gonex Picnic Backpack Bag 4 Person
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The Gonex backpack is not as popular as some of our other choices, but it has fared well with those that have opted to purchase the product.
The high quality material is wear and tear resistant and it is fitted with all your standard picnic utensils.
One of the bag’s attractive qualities is that it has an extra zipped compartment with multiple pockets, so you can organize your essential spices and sauces.
The insulated aluminum compartment promises to keep food hot or cold and it certainly seems to deliver.
Plush Picnic Backpack
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The Plush Picnic Backpack makes picnicking effortless with its organized layout and all inclusive set.
It includes all you need as well as luxury items like a cheese board and washable napkins. The items are not the most premium, but they are light which makes the backpack ideal for long walks or hiking.
It’s modern, stylish and it’s waterproof too so you can safely use it all year round.
There’s also enough space in the cooler for an extra bottle of wine if the bottle holder on the side is not enough!
Apollo Walker Tawa Picnic Backpack for 4
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The Apollo Walker Tawa backpack is well organized and contains all the essentials.
It’s designed for comfort with padded straps that make the bag suitable for anything from concerts to mountain hikes.
The design is appealing and the waterproof fleece blanket is attractive. It also has a unique color scheme so it stands out from the crowd.
The product comes with a 185 days warranty as well as 50 days free exchange and returns, so if you’re not happy with the product, you’ll get your money back.
Yonovo 2 Person Picnic Backpack
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The Yonovo 2 person picnic backpack is smart and compact. It contains all the essentials and leaves plenty of room for food and a bottle of wine (or two).
The fabric is designed to be easily washable, so if you run into any spillages, you need not fear.
Considering the backpack costs, it’s impressive quality and has some neat features.
It’s breathable suspension system also means that it’s comfy to wear and you don’t need to worry about dreaded back sweat on particularly hot days.
Summerease 4 Person Picnic Backpack
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Our penultimate backpack is spacious but compact. All of the utensils included are made of stainless steel so the product ranks highly on its durability factor.
It’s comfortable to wear and lightweight too it’s great not just for picnics, but for carrying home your shopping too. It’s particularly ideal for cyclists.
The design is not as sophisticated as some of the other backpacks on this list, but in terms of practicality, it’s still one of the best.
Mister Alfresco Picnic Backpack For 2
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Our final picnic rucksack contains everything you need and even has a pocket on the back for your phone.
The utensils fit in the bag nicely and the bottle holders are insulated too, so you can keep your wine cool and your coffee hot.
The bag is not the most durable on this list, but if you are after a good value picnic bag for local trips, this product will certainly do the trick.
All features are detachable so you only ever need to take what you need.
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