If you’re carrying a rifle then you want it to be as safe and comfortable as possible. Getting the best rifle backpack will allow you to keep your arms free while still having quick access to your rifle. You can do this while still carrying all of your essentials.
With many great backpacks available, it can be hard to know what the best rifle backpack is for you. That’s why we’ve completed 10 extensive reviews to find the best model out there.
Along with this, we’ve created a buying guide with FAQs to give you all the info you need.
Contents show 1 Best Rifle Backpack 2 Badlands Superday Hunting Backpack 3 East West U.S.A Tactical Assault Rifle Backpack 4 HAZARD 4 Overwatch(R) Rifle Carry Roll-Pack 5 ALPS OutdoorZ Pursuit Hunting Pack 6 Badlands 2200 Camouflage Hunting Pack and Meat Hauler 7 Tenzing TC SP14 Shooters 8 Fieldline Pro Series Glenwood Canyon Frame Pack 9 Allen Remington Camo Hunting Daypack 10 Slumberjack 53760215KPH Bounty 2.0 Highlander 11 Badlands Diablo Dos Approach Camouflage Hunting Pack 12 Best Rifle Backpack Buying Guide 12.1 Build quality 12.2 Comfort 12.3 Rifle security 12.4 Functionality 12.5 Style and color 13 Frequently Asked Questions 13.1 Why do I need a rifle backpack? 13.2 What size backpack do I need? 13.3 What is the best hunting backpack? 13.4 Why do some backpacks have a waist belt? 13.5 How do you pack a hunting backpack? 13.6 Related posts:
Best Rifle Backpack
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | HAZARD 4 Overwatch(TM) Rifle Carry Roll-Pack (R) – Coyote | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | ALPS OutdoorZ Pursuit, Realtree Edge | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Fieldline Glenwood Canyon Edge Frame Pack, Realtree (FCB004EC-RTED) | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | Allen Remington Camo Hunting Daypack – Twin Mesa 1,853 cu in Hunting Daypack | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Badlands Diablo Dos Hunting Backpack – Carry Compatible, Realtree Edge | Buy on Amazon |
Badlands Superday Hunting Backpack
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This is a backpack that has supreme quality. It has a built-in rifle root with three compression straps to keep your gun highly secure. Along with this, there are also pistol holders on each side.
The fabric used for the backpack is lightweight, durable and waterproof. This gives you the best mix of materials.
You can pack this with whatever you want without worrying about the weight limit. When you do have it packed, you’ll find it very easy to carry.
You’ll find molded foam against your back and also on the waist strap. That waist clip, along with the chest clip, helps to take any pressure off your back.
Other features such as the silent zips and easy to access pockets help to make this the best rifle backpack around.
East West U.S.A Tactical Assault Rifle Backpack
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If you prefer your rifle to be enclosed from the elements then you’ll love this backpack. The large back compartment can carry two rifles while also making room for any accessories. It has a velcro closure to keep them secure.
There are three color options available which all look great. Along with the style, it has the highest level of build quality and will stand up to many uses in any challenging outdoor environment.
You get many pocket options that will allow you to easily store everything you need efficiently. In addition to this, there is a MOLLE system if you wanted easier access to essential items.
It’s the perfect solution for anyone looking to keep your rifle hidden away until use.
HAZARD 4 Overwatch(R) Rifle Carry Roll-Pack
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Hazard 4 has made this dynamic bag that has a range of qualities. It has expandable sleeves that can be rolled up or down to get the perfect position and it can be accessed from either the pack or the top sleeve.
Inner compression straps will keep the rifle secure.There is a wide range of MOLLE straps along the bag which makes it ideal for carrying a wide range of different items.
Internally, you get plenty of space to put your essential supplies as well as being able to carry any large rifle accessories.
The build quality is high here and it’s been built to last. It’s also comfortable to carry with a waist and sternum strap. The top and bottom sleeves can also be rolled up when not carrying a rifle for added versatility.
ALPS OutdoorZ Pursuit Hunting Pack
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ALPS OutdoorZ has been able to make this dynamic hunting backpack which is perfect for both bows and rifles. It has a drop-down pocket that will be able to hold it firmly in place on your back.
The range of pocket options that you have here allow you to easily organize all of your items. If the weather turns, you can use the large orange cover to keep everything inside dry.
The straps and back are heavily padded and that’ll allow you to carry many items without straining your back too much. It’s great for being able to organize all of your gear and keep everything close to hand. Added to that, it also has the durability you’d expect.
Badlands 2200 Camouflage Hunting Pack and Meat Hauler
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Need a backpack that has a bit more internal volume? If so, the Badlands 2200 would be a brilliant choice for you. It has a total volume of nearly 37 liters which is going to give you plenty of room in which to store all of your gear.
There are three different camo options available along with stylish grey color. It looks great and will have all of the functionality that you need. This includes a meat shelf, scope and tripod pockets, and quick access to your gear with a rear panel.
It has a rifle boot and also pistol holders. It’s able to cope with the high level of internal weight with the highly padded and secure straps. It gives you all-day comfort along with immense durability.
Tenzing TC SP14 Shooters
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The Tenzing TC SP14 is going to appeal to many shooters with its unique shape. It has a deep central channel that will be able to hold tightly onto your rifle while also acting as a shooting rest and you may not even need to remove your gun.
Five internal compartments are going to give you plenty of space to carry all of the items that you need. Even with a full pack, you’re going to find that it’s comfortable to lug around due to the thick padding but also the breathable mesh.
The internal fluted aluminum frame will give it sturdiness and stability with the secure straps keeping it tight to your body until it’s time to shoot.
Fieldline Pro Series Glenwood Canyon Frame Pack
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Fieldline has also made a backpack that has a rifle carrier pouch. Along with the rifle storage, it also has a vertical front opening that gives you rapid access to your gear and a top flap with a zipped compartment. Those zips are also ultra-quiet to give you stealth.
It has two compression straps which aren’t as many as some other options but it still should keep your gear secure. It does have all the straps you’d want to keep that backpack tightly to your chest.
If you wanted a hydration compartment then you’ll be happy that this is compatible with a 2-liter reservoir. The backpack looks rugged and it performs that way with excellent build quality.
Allen Remington Camo Hunting Daypack
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Here we see another well-designed backpack with a rifle that is going to slot easily in between two external pockets. Along with the two straps, this is going to help to keep your gun nice and secure at all times.
The bag has an impressive capacity and that allows you to easily store all of your items efficiently. This includes 5 external pockets along with internal mesh pockets.
If you have a particularly long rifle then this could be the perfect model for your needs. It’s another that is ready for a hydration pack and has excellent qualities. It’s easy to wear and comfortable for a full day of hunting.
Slumberjack 53760215KPH Bounty 2.0 Highlander
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Are you the type who loves to go on week-long hunting trips? If so, this backpack is going to be perfect for your needs. It has a huge capacity and will allow you to carry such things as a treestand and a vast range of supplies.
Along with the main pack you have a detachable field pack for when you need additional storage. The backpack has a rifle built with durable straps that will keep it secure during transit.
The sternum and waist straps will keep the bag securely on your back and support the potentially high weight inside. It’s able to do that will excellent durability as this was built to last.
Badlands Diablo Dos Approach Camouflage Hunting Pack
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Here’s our third and final backpack from Badlands and another brilliant option. This comes in three different color options which will all help your stealth when you’re hunting.
It has a highly compatible rifle boot and compression straps to keep it secure. If you’re going to be in hotter climates then this would be a great option as it gives you supreme ventilation while still being well padded.
It’s one of the most comfortable backpacks ever with a low weight but excellent strength. If this has the capacity to meet your needs, then you may never need another backpack.
Best Rifle Backpack Buying Guide
Build quality
As your backpack is always going to be outdoors, you want it to have a high level of construction quality. This includes using materials that are durable but still quite light.
Here we have only chosen backpacks that have a high level of craftsmanship with secure zips and stitching.
When you’re carrying a rifle along with all of your gear, it can get quite heavy. Comfort is of paramount importance. Having a back frame for larger bags is useful and heavily padded straps will stop it digging into you.
Added to that, ventilation is important and mesh is often used to stop your back from sweating. In terms of support, having a sternum and chest strap is great for heavier bags as this is going to take some stress away from your shoulders and back.
Rifle security
Different backpacks will carry rifles in different ways. One of the most common is simply using a foldable rifle boot that supports the rifle from the bottom of the bag and keeps it help closely with compression straps. This gives you quick access to your rifle.
Another way is backpacks that have soft sections at the top and bottom that keep the rifle fully inside of the backpack. This adds greater security and also protects it from the elements.
The downside is that it can take longer to get out.
Before buying a backpack you want to know what features you’re looking for. Some have MOLLE straps where you can add additional items and you also need to know how you’re going to pack away your gear.
It’s important to know exactly what you need and what you are planning to carry. That way, you’ll be able to match a backpack to your needs.
Style and color
It may not be the most important factor but everyone wants their things to look good. Most of these backpacks come in a few different camo options. It’s a good idea to get the one that will most closely match your surroundings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a rifle backpack?
Carrying a rifle can be very awkward. Carrying it in your hands over a long distance can be a drag and if you strap it to a regular backpack, it often won’t be secure enough.
A rifle backpack will keep it safe and secure until it’s time to use it.
What size backpack do I need?
The size of the backpack you need will depend on how long you’re going to be out and what you need to carry.
Day packs often come in at around 20-liters but if you wanted to carry a lot of gear then you may be looking at 40-liters or more. It’s important to get one that matches your needs.
What is the best hunting backpack?
The best hunting backpack will be durable, store away all of your gear, give you numerous pocket options and can carry your weapon safely.
All the backpacks here tick those boxes and therefore it’s about getting one that matches your needs. The answer to the best hunting backpack will be different for everyone.
Why do some backpacks have a waist belt?
Having a heavy backpack can put a lot of strain on your back and it can pull your shoulders backward. A waistband helps to keep the weight as close to you as possible and takes away some of that stress.
This can be aided by a sternum strap which helps to reduce any movement.
How do you pack a hunting backpack?
The best way to pack your bag will depend on the make-up of your bag. In the bottom section, it’s a good place to put lighter items such as clothes. You ideally want your heaviest items to be near the center of your back.
You can then put essential items at the top of the bag for easy access.
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