Jiu-Jitsu gear is comprised of a huge number of things – even if you’re practicing No-Gi BJJ, you’ll still need a rash guard, ear guards, knee pads, grappling socks, a mouth guard, special clothing for practice, a towel, and plenty of other accessories depending on your personal preference.
Now, even though it’s true that you might not need to bring full gear to every training session, you’ll usually need to bring a ton of things, which means you’ll need a proper backpack.
Luckily for you, we’ve done the heavy-lifting of finding the most suitable candidates for the best Jiu-Jitsu backpack, so all you have to do is simply kick back, relax, and take your pick.
Without any further ado, let’s get straight to the reviews:
Best Jiu Jitsu Backpack
Lowepro Powder BP 500 AW Outdoor Backpack
Diesel Men’s URBHANITY Backpack
Mystery Ranch Urban Assault 24 Backpack
Dry Case Basin Waterproof Sport Backpack
Maxpedition Condor II Backpack
Reebok Combat Grip UFC Fitness & Training Duffle Sport Bag
The Friendly Swede Duffel Bag with Backpack Stripes
High Sierra XBT TSA Laptop Backpack
Perry Ellis 22-inch Business Duffel Bag
Fuel Wide Mouth Sports Backpack
Best Jiu-Jitsu Backpack Buying Guide
1. Durability/Material
2. Size/Space
3. Water-resistance/Sweat resistance
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most common BJJ gear?
Which BJJ gear piece takes up the most space?
What is the difference between a regular backpack and a Jiu-Jitsu backpack?
Are non-water-resistant backpacks useful for Jiu-Jitsu?
How important are the side pockets and external compartments for a Jiu-Jitsu backpack?
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Best Jiu Jitsu Backpack
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | | Lowepro Powder Backpack 500 AW – Midnight Blue/Horizon Bluenge (LP37231-PWW) | Buy on Amazon |
2 | | Diesel Men’s URBHANITY Backpack, Black, UNI | Buy on Amazon |
3 | | MYSTERY RANCH Urban Assault 24 Backpack – Military Inspired Rucksacks, Black, 24L | Buy on Amazon |
4 | | DRYCASE Basin Waterproof Sport Backpack-20 Liter | Buy on Amazon |
5 | | Maxpedition Condor-Ii Backpack (Khaki) | Buy on Amazon |
Lowepro Powder BP 500 AW Outdoor Backpack
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Let’s start off with our top pick – the Lowepro Powder BP 500 AW backpack. Basically, this is a hybrid of a duffle bag and a big-sized backpack that combines the best of both worlds into a massive pack stuffed with top-shelf features.
Even though this is primarily a hiking and trekking backpack, we’ve picked it because it offers plenty of storage space, removable internal compartments, and very comfortable shoulder straps.
It also features a neat external compartment where you can store your leg pads or groin guards; the top compartment also features additional space where you can keep smaller-sized accessories, such as the mouthguard, face towel, or your personal belongings (wallet, keys, and such).
The feature that takes the highlight, though, is the padded back support. This backpack features foam-filled ribs on the back that provide a huge boost to the overall comfort it provides. In a nutshell, this is easily the best backpack for Jiu-Jitsu you could get for the money.
- Exceptionally spacious and removable internal compartments
- External compartment for additional storage space
- Numerous side pockets
- Relatively light
- Foamed ribs back support
- Costs a small fortune
Diesel Men’s URBHANITY Backpack
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Next up is Diesel’s DSL 1978 URBHANITY backpack. Essentially, this is a rugged and lightweight backpack that offers simplicity, a lot of storage space, and exceptional comfort.
This backpack is made of a blend of polyamide and polyester and is among the sturdiest backpacks on the market of today. It features zippered closures and fully adjustable straps, as well as thoroughly padded internal pockets.
Now, one of the main reasons why this backpack is so great for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners specifically is because it offers more than enough space for full BJJ gear while being sturdy enough to last for years.
There are several internal compartments that you can use to separate your gear from your towels and clothing in the simplest fashion possible and to top it all its simple, straightforward type of design leaves very little room for improvement.
- Very spacious
- Made from durable polyamide and polyester materials
- Three internal compartments
- Zippered closure and fully adjustable straps
- Doesn’t come supplied with any special features
Mystery Ranch Urban Assault 24 Backpack
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The Mystery Ranch’s Urban Assault backpack is a commuting backpack by design; this means that it’s primarily meant for traveling, but it’s also great for sports and BJJ specifically because it rocks a huge storage compartment.
It is outfitted with three zippers for easy access, allowing you to stuff your kimono much easier in comparison to backpacks that have only one zipper.
Furthermore, it’s supplied with various internal pockets where you can store your mouthguard, personal documents, your wallet, or keys.
There’s an additional compartment that was meant for laptops, but you can use it to store towels or extra clothing inside.
Lastly, it’s exceptionally durable and weighs just above 2.5 pounds, which means that you’ll be able to comfortably wear it from your home to training and vice versa.
- Super-easy access due to three-zipper design
- Very sturdy and robust
- Two internal storage compartments
- Numerous internal pockets for documentation and personal belongings
- Quite pricey
Dry Case Basin Waterproof Sport Backpack
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Dry Case’s Basin Waterproof Sport backpack is another mid-priced model on our list of the best Jiu-Jitsu backpacks; what makes this model so great for this particular form of martial arts is that it packs a completely waterproof rugged construction comprised of marine-grade denier material.
Simply put, ‘water resistance’ beats ‘sweat resistance’, which basically means that your spare clothes and all of your gear will not degrade the material, even after years of using this backpack.
Now, we should mention that this is primarily a fishing pack, but that’s precisely why it’s perfect for BJJ too; there are no separate interior compartments, which allow you to neatly place all of your guards atop your kimono and clothes.
There are several exterior pockets where you can store water bottles or protein shakes, but that’s pretty much it – it’s as simple as it gets.
- Huge storage space
- No separate internal compartments provide additional space for bulky gear
- Several exterior pockets for water bottles and extra gear
- Completely waterproof construction
- The top section can’t be zippered completely, a part of it will ‘flap’ around
Maxpedition Condor II Backpack
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Maxpedition’s Condor II is everything you need in terms of storing your BJJ equipment. This is one of the largest backpacks in its price range with dimensions of 14.5 inches by 9.5 inches by 16 inches. It weighs roughly 3 pounds when empty, which is absolutely fantastic given its size.
Furthermore, this backpack also features a fully breathable 3D mesh back, as well as ergonomic straps, which means that you won’t even feel it once you start using it.
- Military-grade durability
- Massive storage compartment and side pockets
- Features fully breathable padded back
- Ergonomic straps
- Lightweight and water-resistant
- Very bulky
Reebok Combat Grip UFC Fitness & Training Duffle Sport Bag
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Reebok is definitely one of the most renowned industry leaders as far as sports go, and we’ve picked their UFC Fitness and Training duffle bag for our review; ultimate fighting and Jiu-Jitsu are both close combat sports, and even though BJJ does involve slightly more gear, you can rest assured that Reebok’s backpack will provide just that.
It’s made of exceptionally robust polyester material and sports numerous weaves for additional sturdiness. All of the hardware is top-notch, and the comfort grip built into the straps allows for much easier carrying.
Overall, this backpack represents Reebok’s quality in full, and we highly recommend that you try it out if you’ve saved up a bit of cash.
- Spacious main compartment and two side compartments
- Built in a very simple fashion
- Reinforced rubber bottom
- Metal studs and hardware
- Made from top-shelf polyester material
- Just slightly more expensive than average
The Friendly Swede Duffel Bag with Backpack Stripes
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The Friendly Swede’s duffel bag is not only highly functional and perfect for BJJ, but it also looks amazing. In fact, it’s available in a huge array of color styles and variations, including white, red, pink, green, and black.
Basically, this is a classic duffle bag outfitted with padded handles, adjustable backpack straps, and easy-carry grips. You might be surprised to hear that it only weighs 3.7 pounds when empty, making it one of the lightest BJJ backpacks within its price point category.
One of the best things about this backpack is that it can be carried in several ways; it can be worn like a regular backpack, you can split the load with a friend if you’re carrying exceptionally heavier weights, or you could carry it by the comfort grips like a plain duffle bag.
- Available in several color variations and styles
- Ultra-light backpack
- Three carrying options
- Highly durable construction
- Easily gets dirty, slightly harder to maintain
High Sierra XBT TSA Laptop Backpack
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We’re slowly moving down to the budget price point category with High Sierra’s XBT TSA Laptop Backpack. Despite the fact that this is a business/travel backpack, it offers three separate compartments with durable metal zippers plus one side compartment and two extra pockets.
In essence, this backpack is exceptionally durable and remarkably light due to the fact that it’s made of ripstop weather-resistant nylon material. Furthermore, its construction is heavily complemented by the Tech-Weave technology, which makes this rugged pack even sturdier.
Plainly put, XBT backpack is huge, lightweight, and built like a tank.
- Huge and spacious
- Made of ripstop nylon material
- Tech-weave technology makes it nearly impervious to any kind of damage
- Adjustable straps for extra comfort
- The interior storage is separated into three smaller compartments, making it hard to store certain leg guards
Perry Ellis 22-inch Business Duffel Bag
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The Perry Ellis business duffle bag is a perfect choice for BJJ practitioners that are on a slightly thinner budget. It rocks multiple side pockets, a massive main compartment, and a bottom guard panel that will keep your Jiu-Jitsu gear perfectly safe.
It also sports a comfortable handle for easier carrying and a bungee cord in case you want to fill it up to its max capacity. Perry Ellis’s duffle bag is made of top-shelf polyester material that will be able to endure years of use.
- Offers plenty of storage space
- Equipped with a comfort handle and comes supplied with a bungee cord
- Multiple side pockets
- The shoulder straps are adjustable
- Pretty bulky and heavy
Fuel Wide Mouth Sports Backpack
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Our final pick is Fuel’s Wide Mouth sports backpack. Essentially, this is a decently sized pack supplied with two mesh side pockets, a relatively spacious external compartment, and a mid-sized main compartment.
Its dimensions measure 19 inches by 12.5 inches by 8.5 inches and it weighs only 1.4 pounds when empty.
It features padded back and adjustable shoulder straps, which provide the much-needed support to the entire back area. Although it’s not the sturdiest backpack model on the market, its durability will allow it to survive several years of rough use.
- Padded back and adjustable shoulder straps
- Available at a very attractive price
- Easy access tech compartment
- Looks quite attractive
- Not as durable as more expensive models
Best Jiu-Jitsu Backpack Buying Guide
A good Jiu-Jitsu backpack is big, spacious, durable, and water-resistant. However, many models can boast about such qualities, so if you want to make sure that you’ve picked the best backpack for your money, take the following criteria into consideration:
1. Durability/Material
Jiu-Jitsu practitioners and trainees typically carry quite a bit of heavy gear on their training and sparring sessions, so the first and most important element you’ll want to consider is how durable the backpack is and what material it is made from.
2. Size/Space
Size is often an issue for Jiu-Jitsu gear, especially if you’re using a kimono, which typically uses up nearly a third of the available space. Make sure that the backpack can be accessed easily and that it sports a big main compartment.
Side pockets and external compartments are useful if you’re bringing along extra accessories (water bottles, supplements or protein shakes, for example).
3. Water-resistance/Sweat resistance
Keep in mind that the equipment you’ll carry to your training will be sweaty after the course is done. This means that your items will be drenched and obviously, slightly heavier. Sweat can degrade almost any kind of material fast unless it is water or sweat-resistant.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most common BJJ gear?
Gi-Jiu-Jitsu involves a uniform (kimono) whereas No-Gi doesn’t prescribe a strict ‘dress code’. Other than that, typical Jiu-Jitsu gear involves a rash guard, a groin guard, ear guards, a pair of shorts, knee pads, and a mouthguard.
Which BJJ gear piece takes up the most space?
Obviously, the kimono takes up the largest portion of your storage space. If you’re practicing No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu, the next bulkiest piece of gear is the pair of leg guards.
What is the difference between a regular backpack and a Jiu-Jitsu backpack?
There are no formal differences between Jiu-Jitsu packs and average ones. However, you’ll need a durable, spacious, and water-resistant backpack, which means that you can’t simply use any kind of backpack.
Are non-water-resistant backpacks useful for Jiu-Jitsu?
The shortest answer would be ‘no, they’re not particularly useful’. Backpacks that don’t possess the elementary levels of sweat-resistance will degrade and rapidly lose their durability, which will lead to tearing and ripping of the fabric, rendering the backpack completely useless in no time.
How important are the side pockets and external compartments for a Jiu-Jitsu backpack?
Basically, you won’t be able to store your main Jiu-Jitsu gear inside side pockets securely. This means that side pockets are generally useful for storing water bottles or smaller items, such as car keys, your wallet, or such.
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