Whether you cycle either for leisure or simply to just commute to work on a weekly basis, cycling is a fantastic activity to engage yourself with. Not only will you be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, but your body will be thanking you in strides – from improved cardiovascular fitness to better posture and lower body fat levels, cycling has the potential to benefit not just your body but the wider environment at the same time.
However, one little problem persists: how do you carry your belongings? You’ll need something that first and foremost, has the capacity to carry a lot of stuff including your personal laptop, notebooks, stationaries, your mobile device and so on.
On one hand, you could in theory use a normal backpack but don’t forget, cycling poses some unique requirements. A cycling bag should make the rider more visible to reduce the likelihood of an accident, should be built out of sturdy materials to withstand rain, sun, and the inevitable fall and should be able to be secured tightly onto the rider.
So, to help you cyclists find an excellent bag that ticks all of these checkboxes, we’ve reviewed and compiled some of the best options in our little list down below!
Contents show 1 Best Cycling Backpack 2 Henty Wingman Backpack 3 Brooks Pickwick Day Pack 4 Oakley Mens Men’s Enduro 25L 2.0, BLACKOUT 5 Ortlieb Velocity Messenger Bag Black 6 PRVKE Travel and DSLR Camera Backpack with Laptop/Tablet Sleeve and Rain Cover 7 Timbuk2 Spire Backpack 8 Proviz Sports Reflect360 100% Reflective High-Viz Highly Water Resistant Backpack 9 Deuter Giga Backpack 10 Sunhiker Small Cycling Hiking Backpack Water Resistant 11 TETON Sports Oasis 1100 Hydration Pack 12 A Buying Guide to Cycling Backpacks 12.1 Size 12.2 Materials 12.3 Function 13 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 13.1 Should I get a waterproof cycling backpack? 13.2 Do I need to wash my backpack? 13.3 Related posts:
Best Cycling Backpack
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Henty Wingman Commuter Suit Bag – Backpack, Grey | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Brooks Pickwick Day Pack, Grey/Honey, 26 L | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Oakley Men’s Enduro 2.0 25L Backpack, Blackout | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | Ortlieb Velocity Messenger Bag Black | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | PRVKE Travel and DSLR Camera Backpack with Laptop/Tablet Sleeve and Rain Cover – Rugged… | Buy on Amazon |
Henty Wingman Backpack
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Constructed out of the highest-grade nylon, this all-sport backpack will be more than adequate for just about anyone. Not only is it crafted to securely transport your valuable electronics, you’ll be able to store all sorts of clothes – gym attire, formal suits, swim wear.
And the best part? Thanks to its specialized Support System, any piece of clothing will be wrinkle-free no matter how rough the journey. Furthermore, complementing all this is its water-resistance which will protect your belongings from rain, excessive shine, mud, and even snow.
With a product dimensions of 9 x 22 x 10 inches, you’ll be able to store a whole day’s worth of essentials without breaking a sweat. This includes storing a 15-inch laptop, clothes, and workday essentials.
It isn’t too heavy as well given its light weight of 4.5 pounds which makes it easily one of the best cycling backpacks out there in the market for just about anyone!
Brooks Pickwick Day Pack
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Coming in three unique color schemes, the Brooks Pickwick is a beautifully handcrafted backpack made under warm Tuscan sunshine using traditional techniques and the most skilled of Italian craftsman.
The result? A fine leather backpack that not only serves as eye-candy but is capable of weathering the harshest of environments from rain to snow. This versatile backpack offers not just safely stores anything kept in its main compartment but even offers a small rear pocket for your smaller essentials such as your wallet and mobile device.
And with its roll-top closing mechanism, you’ll easily be able to store far more than you would with the average cycling backpack out there within its 12.2 x 5.5 x 19.2-inch storage space.
So, if you’re looking for a blend between style and function and are willing to invest in a solid backpack, look no further, the Brooks Pickwick has got your back (literally and metaphorically).
Oakley Mens Men’s Enduro 25L 2.0, BLACKOUT
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Sure, upon first glance, you might think that this backpack may not be an especially pretty looker when compared to some of the other more aesthetic options on our list but make no mistake, the Oakley Enduro is just as durable, balanced, and sturdy as any top of the line backpack.
With more than comfortable straps that position the backpack as close to you as possible, even if your commute takes you across the harshest of trails, you never once will worry about your belongings from slipping out. Balance is the name of the game when it comes to the Oakley Enduro.
Additionally, with its secure zipper, 100% durable fiber composition and up to 25 liters of storage, it wouldn’t be a stretch to claim that you’ll be able to store even camping essentials with this backpack.
It also is easily machine washable so after a long, sweat-laden day of riding, you’ll be able to chuck it into the wash without breaking any more needless beads of sweat.
Ortlieb Velocity Messenger Bag Black
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Ergonomically designed to fit the contours of the body, the anatomically shaped shoulder straps of the Ortlieb Velocity make it probably one of the most comfortable yet secure cycling backpacks we’ve ever come across. Period.
Moreover, with its paltry weight of just 2.23 pounds and carrying capacity of up to 20 liters along with its waterproof construction, you certainly get the best bang for your buck in this case.
On that note, we’d recommend this product specifically to riders who are either sitting on the younger side of the age spectrum or are looking for something not too heavy.
It even comes equipped with an additional chest and waist strap along with a padded foam backing so if you are an intense cyclist who plans to bring delicate pieces of technology along your frequent commutes, the Ortlieb Velocity will be your ideal companion.
PRVKE Travel and DSLR Camera Backpack with Laptop/Tablet Sleeve and Rain Cover
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Crafted specifically with the avid photographer in mind, the PRVKE Backpack will be a fantastic pick if you plan to cycle to and from your photography sites, making it more than adequate for the generalist or outdoor photographer.
With its secure camera compartment that’s easily accessible thanks to the bag’s 3 points of access, you’ll be able to whip out any DSLR at the drop of a bat if needed. Better yet, the side pocket doubles as both a water bottle holder and a tripod compartment!
Though do note that it goes without saying that because this bag is able to securely store a DSLR camera, you’ll be able to store so much more. This includes being able to store a 15-inch laptop, tablets, mobile devices, and even those valuable documents for your job.
Timbuk2 Spire Backpack
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Created alongside Apple to accommodate even the most precious of devices, this fully waterproof canvas backpack will turn heads while storing your pricy pieces – either Apple or otherwise!
With a myriad of compartments including a large main compartment for heavy essentials and zip pocket for cash, earphones and cards, space will never be an issue here.
Comfort is also taken to the forefront thanks to its custom-fit strap and ventilated back panel that both ensures a comfortable cycling experience while minimizing pesky outbreaks of sweat on your back.
Best yet, at a price of just $44.75, this could be one of the best cycling backpacks given what it offers.
Proviz Sports Reflect360 100% Reflective High-Viz Highly Water Resistant Backpack
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Weighing in at just 1 pound, the Proviz offers far more than meets the eye. Though it may appear deceptively compact, you’ll be pleased to know that this backpack can easily store up to 30-litres.
Don’t worry though, with its sturdy back, chest and waist strap, you’ll be able to sling it on your back and have no issues when it comes to cycling. Its durable shell also not only offers great protection and waterproofing but is also made out of fully reflective 100% certified reflective material.
You’ll shine bright like a star even on the darkest of roads so you can rest assured that you’ll be noticed. If you’re a frequent cyclist planning for a long journey or even a casual rider, there definitely is something for everyone in the Proviz.
Deuter Giga Backpack
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The Deuter Giga sure doesn’t look as slick or eye-catching as say the Proviz or Ortlieb Velocity but what it sacrifices in appearance, it gains in functionality.
This not-so-pretty looker offers a fantastic ergonomic design that fits ever so naturally on the back along with incredibly sturdy stitching that won’t succumb to even the heaviest of loads within its 28 liters of storage.
Not only is it water-resistant but its airstripes system ensures that your back gets all the ventilation it needs to minimize those uncomfortable sweats.
And if you’re someone who can’t live without your accessories, you’ll be able to store them easily in its two external side pockets!
Sunhiker Small Cycling Hiking Backpack Water Resistant
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If you’re a cyclist who tends to travel light and finds the options above a tad bit too large, then consider giving the sunhiker a try.
Coming in a variegated range of colors from black to red to green to purple, this small backpack will more than suffice if you are especially looking for something that sits more on the affordable side of things.
However, you should know that its sturdy material despite its small frame along with breathable mesh shoulder straps ensures that you get just as a fantastic experience as any other pricer option on our list!
You just end up with a smaller carrying capacity. Better yet, if you’re especially active, this backpack will be great for not just cycling but for hikes, climbs, and even jogs!
TETON Sports Oasis 1100 Hydration Pack
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Perhaps the most unique cycling backpack on our list may be our last entry – the TETON Sports Oasis. Sure, on one hand you’ll get a great product just like any other on this bag.
From comfortable straps to lightweight materials to even a large range of compartments for all your storage needs but one thing that sets this backpack apart is its hydration bladder.
Working just like any water bottle, you fill it up and with its flexible, attached straw, you’ll be able to take a quick drink even while cycling without fumbling around to pull your standard bottle!
So, if you get especially thirsty during your cycling sessions and want to stay hydrated on the hottest of days, you should consider the TETON.
A Buying Guide to Cycling Backpacks
The exact size of a cycling backpack you decide to get will be determined by both your individual needs and the carrying capacity of the backpack. Too big a backpack may be uncomfortable and too small a backpack will prevent you from bringing everything you might need for your journey.
A good backpack is one that is composed out of good materials that ensure breathability, comfort, and reflexibility in ensuring that you’re easily identifiable when on the road. If you find a backpack that fits all these requirements, chances are you’ve found yourself a winner.
If you’re planning on cycling just for exercise, you probably don’t have to worry much about all those fancy compartments some backpacks come fitted with. Conversely, if you plan on lugging around your laptop, phone, precious documents, and so on, consider getting a backpack designed with this in mind.
Likewise, if you’re just exercising, then having a backpack with its own in-built water bladder will be a fantastic thing!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should I get a waterproof cycling backpack?
While deciding on this depends primarily on whether you live in an area with constant rain, it always is safer to opt for a waterproof bag just in case. Not only will they protect your belongings from water damage but if you tend to sweat profusely, it’ll only add an extra layer of protection.
Accidents too aren’t beyond the realm of possibility – falling into a puddle, lake, drain or so on is totally a risk when cycling so it’s always better to err on the side of caution!
Do I need to wash my backpack?
Absolutely – though whether you should wash your backpack with a machine or by hand depends entirely on the material of your backpack. Even the type of soap will depend on this!
There should be a detailed set of instructions in any backpack you purchase so make sure you consult it carefully to ensure the longevity of your backpack.
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