Whether you’re seasoned on the slopes or a total newbie you need a great quality ski backpack. For those of you just starting, small ski backpacks for carrying your day gear and extra layers are perfect.
Any experienced skier can tell you that the biggest rule you need to follow is to be prepared. You don’t want to find yourself stuck somewhere without enough layers, food or water.
These are just basic things which don’t take up too much space so save yourself problems later and make sure you have a secure backpack to take these things with you.
However, the more you ski the better you’ll get, and probably the more equipment you’ll need. So for those of you looking for something a little more serious, we’ve got you covered!
We’re going to highlight all the best features of each backpack to help you decide which ski backpack is right for you.
Contents show 1 Best Ski Backpack 1.1 What to look for in a Ski Backpack 2 Dakine Heli Pro 3 Deuter Freerider Pro 30 4 Osprey Kamber 32 Ski Pack 5 Black Diamond Dawn Patrol 25 6 Camelbak Snoblast Hydration Pack 7 Teton Sports Oasis 1100 8 Ortovox ABS Snow Avalanche Airbag 9 Evoc Line RAS 20L 10 Quicksilver TR Platinum Backpack 11 Thule Roundtrip Boot Backpack 12 Pacsafe Venture Safe X24 13 Black Crows Dorsa 14 Vibrelli Hydration Backpack 15 Burton Day Hiker Backpack 16 Mammut Spindrift 14 Backpack 17 Select Sportbags Team Pack Ski Backpack 17.1 Related posts:Best Ski Backpack
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Dakine Heli Pro Backpack 20L (Black) | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Deuter Freerider Pro 30 – Black/Granite (3.30E+11) | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | Osprey Kamber 32 Men’s Ski Backpack, Galactic Black , Medium/Large | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | TETON Sports Oasis 18L Hydration Pack with Free 2-Liter water bladder; The perfect backpack for… | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | CamelBak Snoblast Ski Hydration Pack, Black/Sulphur Springs, 2 L/70 oz | Buy on Amazon |
What to look for in a Ski Backpack
The first important thing to look for with any ski backpack is to make sure it’s made of durable material. It’s going to be in some pretty extreme conditions so you want to know that your backpack isn’t going to break while you’re skiing.
Also, lots of ski backpacks come with options like being able to attach your skis/snowboard and or other equipment like an ice pick. This can make your life a lot easier and free up your hands more.
You might be looking for something with easy to reach pockets or the option of putting in a water bladder. Think about the kind of features which are important to you when you ski before choosing a backpack.
If you’re into super high adrenaline action and planning to go really off-piste you should definitely consider an option with added protection like an avalanche airbag system.
Dakine Heli Pro
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We’ve chosen this bag as our number one ski backpack based on its versatility. It’s a mid-size ski backpack which makes it perfect for those chilled days to carry the essentials (a.k.a lunch and beverages) or with the straps for skis you can head for an intense day on the slopes.
It can even double for business casual with space for a laptop! It’s super durable so it’s going to last you for a long time. When it comes to ski backpacks you need to prioritize practicality.
At the end of the day this backpack is coming with you on a high adrenaline sport, and it’s going to get knocked around.
Luckily this bag is made from polyester so it’s durable without being uncomfortable. Which is ideal because another key feature any ski backpack needs is comfort.
This bag also has the bonus of a sleeve compatible with a hydration system which is a super useful feature.
Deuter Freerider Pro 30
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At 30L the Deuter Freerider is a little bit bigger than our first place backpack and ranks so highly because of it’s amazing features. Besides plenty of options for attaching you ski or board this one also comes with the added comfort of a removable pad to sit on during your breaks.
Its even got a helmet pod and climbing rack straps so for those of you who are really adventurous at heart. It’s compatible with a hydration system, a key component of most high-quality ski backpacks.
If you’re looking for something to carry your climbing gear and ski equipment then this is the perfect backpack for your next ski trip!
Osprey Kamber 32 Ski Pack
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Osprey is a huge name in hiking backpacks, but why go for one of their ski backpacks? Well, with the Osprey brand you know you’re getting something high quality and their ski range is surprisingly efficient.
The Kamber backpack comes with handy pockets for all of your gear and the material is very durable. It’s also one of the best bags if you’re a snowboarder because of the way the board attaches, it helps to distribute the weight more evenly.
Good for any long hikes before you snowboard. The backpack is also light so you don’t have to worry about being off balance or uncomfortable. Another great choice in the middle-large range.
Black Diamond Dawn Patrol 25
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This is a smaller option out of the choices available from Black Diamond but it’s still rivaling some of the bigger backpacks.
25L is a really good size for equipment and practicality rather than lugging around something too heavy. It also has good organization and storage for any mountain gear you might need.
It comes with the standard diagonal ski carry and with its slim design, it isn’t too bulky. One of the features we really like about this bag is the option for an added Avalung which is an incredibly valuable safety feature.
Camelbak Snoblast Hydration Pack
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For a durable, quality backpack with the added bonus of style, you can’t go wrong with a Camelbak.
The Snoblast has a really nice and, more importantly, efficient design. It’s big enough to carry your equipment including space to attach your shoes and helmet. The nifty bonus with this bag is its hydration system.
Not only is it well placed to get a quick sip of water but it’s also insulated to prevent your water from freezing and keeping it drinkable.
Teton Sports Oasis 1100
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For great value for money look no further. This backpack is very efficient without a crazy price tag.
It comes with more pockets, loops and attachment straps than you’ll need and still has space for all you’re important items inside. This model is especially good because it comes with a BPA free hydration pouch.
The straps are very comfortable and this backpack has a chest anti-shock strap which helps to maintain balance while skiing by keeping the bag close to your body. A great choice for the novice or experienced skier.
Ortovox ABS Snow Avalanche Airbag
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If you’re safety conscious and heading off-piste then this is the best bag for you. Aimed at more advanced skiers this bag has a built-in avalanche airbag which you can deploy even if your skis are still attached.
The bag is designed well so you can access your belongings without removing your skis or board. It’s even travel-friendly so you can take it on the plane with you.
The price tag is obviously higher than your standard backpack but It’s rechargeable and it’s made with durable materials so it makes a very good investment for any hardcore skier.
Evoc Line RAS 20L
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If you’re trying to find something which isn’t too big and won’t make you feel at all unstable while skiing then this is your backpack.
The big hip belts keep the bag pressed close to your body to help with stability while skiing down the slopes. The backpack is also designed to promote airflow and it’s compatible with a drinks bladder, both are important when doing hard work.
Our favorite feature of this backpack is the option to add in an avalanche airbag system. A good choice for a serious beginner or someone who hopes to progress in snowsports.
You can start with the normal backpack and when you’re planning on going on more adventurous trips you can add in the airbag to help keep you safe.
Quicksilver TR Platinum Backpack
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If you love snowsports and love being eco-friendly then this backpack is a perfect choice. Made with material which comes from recycled plastic bottles, this bag is very pro-environment.
It’s also great for carrying your skis or snowboard. It comes from a collaboration between Quicksilver and Pro snowboarder Travis Rice, so you know it’s going to be one of the best bags if you’re a boarder.
Thule Roundtrip Boot Backpack
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The Thule boot bag does well for combining style and functionality. At 60L this is definitely the bag you want if you struggle to pack light.
With its variety of pockets and straps, plus the 60L of space inside the bag you can easily fit all the gear you need plus snacks and water. It’s been designed to last and it’s very well made so you shouldn’t have any problems taking this bag on all of your big adventures.
Pacsafe Venture Safe X24
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If you’re packing some expensive gear and you’re worried about your belongings being stolen then you can’t go wrong with Pacsafe.
This bag is specifically designed to prevent thieves from getting to your ski equipment and valuables. With features such as un-cuttable straps, protective inside pockets and a leash to attach your bag to a large object.
It also has skiing in mind with a removable hip belt to keep you stable on the slopes. A great choice if you want peace of mind during your travels.
Black Crows Dorsa
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Now if you’re looking for style on the slopes go no further than the Black Crows Dorsa. This bag wouldn’t look out of place on a city break or high up in the alps.
It’s designed by pro freerider Bruno Compagnet which means it’s not just a pretty ski backpack, it’s also practical. The compression straps help to keep the bag tight when it’s not full and the optional hip belt helps with stability.
You can also find all the pockets and loops for your standard snow equipment such as your shovel, ice pick and water bladder for hydration. A great choice for a multi-purpose backpack.
Vibrelli Hydration Backpack
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For a functional and lightweight backpack, this one ranks very highly. Made from durable but lightweight materials the Vibrelli Hydration Backpack makes a great ski backpack especially because of the built-in water bladder.
Other features such as the reflective strips and side stabilizers really show off how practical this bag is. For the price, it’s very good value for money.
Burton Day Hiker Backpack
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Although this may be a great hiking backpack, it also makes a really good ski backpack. So if you’re a fan of both hiking and snowsports then this is a great backpack for you!
28L is a good capacity for snacks, ski gear, and water although those of you who are advanced skiers this one might be a little basic. It’s got plenty of straps to help with carrying your skis or snowboard and lots of pockets to organize your belongings.
With this manufacturer, they are so sure of the durability of the bag that they offer a lifetime warranty. A good choice for the avid hiker and snowsport enthusiast.
Mammut Spindrift 14 Backpack
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For innovative design, the Mammut Spindrift wins plenty of points. The small bag aims to be aerodynamic and allows you to travel fast and light.
It includes a windproof waistcoat, storage space for avalanche safety gear and it’s compatible with a hydration system. Not bad for such a small bag. You can even quickly attach your skis without even removing the bag!
We think this bag is great especially if you’re light on gear and want to increase your speed. But for those of you who cannot pack light, you may struggle with only 14L of space which is the only reason this one didn’t make it higher in our list.
Select Sportbags Team Pack Ski Backpack
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The Select Sportbags ski backpack may not be the most beautifully stylish of all the bags we’ve mentioned, but it is practical and has great customer reviews.
It’s also a very reasonable price for a ski backpack. You can carry your boots and helmet on the outside of the bag, which gives you more free space inside the bag for the rest of your gear.
The bag is waterproof and durable so if you’re looking for something less in the stylish end and more in the budget end then give this bag a try on your next ski trip.
No matter what level you’re at with skiing there’s plenty of great choices on this list. We hope you’ve found the perfect fit for your next ski adventure but if you’re still struggling to decide then try and pick out a few features which are really important to you.
Narrow down the list by only looking at the backpacks which are going to suit your needs. If you don’t need that many things with you then go for one of the more compact options.
Or for those of you headed into the wilderness alone make sure to pick a backpack with added safety features. Whichever you choose, have fun on the slopes!
Let us know in the comments which backpacks you love for skiing!
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