EMP stands for ‘electromagnetic pulse’; these pulses are caused by electromagnetic radiation, which can easily zap any microchip-equipped electronic device in an instant, most notably phones, laptops, and computers.
Obviously, EM pulses are a commonplace only in certain lines of work, but they’re also closely related to ‘hacking’. Namely, cyber criminals utilize EMPs to infect electronic devices with malware and spyware, so if you want to keep your belongings secure, you may want to equip yourself with an EMP bag.
Today we are going to talk about various types of EMP-proof equipment (sometimes referred to as Faraday Equipment), and we’ve also handpicked 10 of the best-performing EMP bags that can be found on the market, so let’s get straight to it.
Contents show 1 Best EMP Bags 1.1 Mission Darkness T10 Faraday Bag for Computer Towers 1.2 Silent Pocket Waterproof Nylon Faraday Bag 1.3 The JXE JXO Faraday Bag 1.4 Silent Pocket 10-liter Faraday Bag 1.5 Silent Pocket Quick Access Utility Faraday Bag 1.6 Mission Darkness Non-window Faraday Bag for Phones 1.7 CrossBreed EMP Proof Large Protective Bag 1.8 Onever Signal Blocking Faraday Bag 1.9 Hodufy Faraday Bag for Phones 1.10 Wisdompro Faraday Bag 2 EMP bag Buying Guide 3 Frequently Asked Questions 3.1 What is an EMP bag? 3.2 Are more expensive EMP bags more reliable than budget models? 3.3 Are EMP bags and Faraday bags the same? 3.4 Related posts:Best EMP Bags
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | ![]() | Mission Darkness T10 Faraday Bag for Computer Towers & XL Electronics (Gen 2) Device Shielding… | Buy on Amazon |
2 | ![]() | Silent Pocket Waterproof Nylon Faraday Bag, Signal Blocking Device Sleeve for 13 inch and 15 inch… | Buy on Amazon |
3 | ![]() | JXE JXO Faraday Bags, Shield Laptop iPads- Device for Law Enforcement, Military, Executive… | Buy on Amazon |
4 | ![]() | Silent Pocket Waterproof Faraday Dry Bag – Military-Grade Nylon 10 Liter Faraday Bag – RFID… | Buy on Amazon |
5 | ![]() | Silent Pocket Quick Access Utility Faraday Bag – Waterproof Signal Blocking Nylon – Device… | Buy on Amazon |
Mission Darkness T10 Faraday Bag for Computer Towers
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Our first pick is Mission Darkness’s T10 Faraday Bag. Even though it’s the most expensive model on the list, it offers the most reliable performance and shuts off virtually every possible trace of electronic pulses coming from external Wi-Fi, satellites, other phones, Bluetooth, and such.
The most important feature of the T10 bag is the military-grade ballistic nylon construction, which is both completely impervious to EMP and EMF waves while also being strong enough to withstand decades of use and abuse.
Furthermore, it’s also pretty big and spacious, and it feels exceptionally comfortable to wear, even for extended periods of time. Its size makes it an excellent choice for PC tower transportation, but you can obviously use it to move various smaller electronic devices while still having enough room for non-electronic luggage.
- Big and spacious
- Can easily fit a normal-sized PC tower
- Ballistic nylon construction
- Completely impervious to EMP and EMF signals
- Highly comfortable to wear
- Very expensive
Silent Pocket Waterproof Nylon Faraday Bag
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Our runner-up pick is Silent Pocket’s Waterproof Nylon Faraday bag. Even though it’s nearly half the price in comparison to T10, it’s still decently expensive, but nevertheless, it packs a massive punch for the buck in terms of value.
It’s large enough to accommodate up to 15-inch laptops or tablets, but it can also fit several smartphones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, and similar electronic devices. This model is made of durable cowhide and nylon, offering enough flexibility and durability.
Just like our previous pick, this EMP bag (once completely closed) will block off any traces of EMP and EMF signals, ensuring that packed devices are completely safe from cyber attacks and electromagnetic radiation.
- Large enough to fit 15-inch laptops
- Highly transportable and compact
- Built to withstand years of use
- Available in several color style options
- Made of premium quality cowhide and nylon
- Pricey
The JXE JXO Faraday Bag
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Our top pick for commuters is JXE JXO’s Faraday Bag. In a nutshell, it’s not huge, but it’s certainly not small; this EMP bag can easily fit multiple tablets, smartphones, and several other smaller pieces of electronic equipment.
It offers military-grade durability and exceptional reliability as far as EMP, EMI, and EMF radiation is at stake. Furthermore, it’s also future-proof as it can also block 5G signals with ease. This particular model is ‘Large’, so in case you like its features but need a smaller solution, it is also available in a ‘medium-sized’ variant.
- Reliable EMF, EMI, and EMP shielding
- Made of sturdy nylon
- Decently sized and available in smaller variations
- Can block 5G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi signals
- No carry straps
Silent Pocket 10-liter Faraday Bag
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The second Silent Pocket model on our list is the 10-liter duffle Faraday Bag. Essentially, it offers similar features to that of our runner-up pick, but it’s just slightly easier to carry (albeit it is a bit bulkier too).
In terms of price the Silent Pocket 10-liter duffle EMP bag is a tad pricier than budget models, but it’s substantially cheaper than boutique bags. It comes in 2.5-liter, 5-liter, and 10-liter variants; even the smallest model can easily fit at least a standard-sized laptop and several smartphones while larger models are meant for people who need extra luggage space.
It’s equipped with a removable (and fully adjustable) shoulder strap, a built-in Faraday cage, and an easy-roll top buckle that allows you to quickly access your belongings when needed.
- Spacious; available in three size options
- Made of premium-quality and highly durable materials
- Built-in Faraday cage
- Removable shoulder strap for superior portability
- Waterproof construction
- Bulkier and slightly heavier than most EMP bags
Silent Pocket Quick Access Utility Faraday Bag
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Next up we have yet another EMP bag from Silent Pocket’s assortment; the quick-access utility Faraday bag is, by far, one of the most versatile and most portable EMP bag models that this brand has to offer.
It is supplied with a roll-down closure system and an external window that you can use to quickly check the items you’ve put inside. It’s a bit smaller in comparison to some of the models we’ve covered so far, but it’s still decently sized and spacious. The biggest difference between the utility Faraday bag and other Silent Pocket EMP bags is the price; namely, it is several times cheaper while offering the same level of durability and reliability.
- Ideal for smartphones and tablets
- Made of ballistic nylon
- Completely waterproof
- Exceptionally durable and reliable
- Fairly cheap
- Can’t fit mid-sized laptops and bigger items
Mission Darkness Non-window Faraday Bag for Phones
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Mission Darkness’s non-window Faraday Bag is a smaller, cheaper version of the T10. Its dimensions measure 9.5 inches by 0.2 inches by 10 inches, which basically means that it’s perfect for holding multiple smartphones, tablets, smart watches, and various smaller-sized electronics.
It’s made of military-grade nylon and offers exceptional EMP resistance. While its only downfall is that it is relatively petite in size, its durability and affordability more than make up for it.
- Virtually indestructible
- Exceptionally cheap
- Can fit multiple smartphones and tablets
- RF and EMP signal blocking
- Relatively small
CrossBreed EMP Proof Large Protective Bag
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We’re entering the budget price point category with Crossbreed’s Resister. Essentially, this particular model is just as durable and useful as any boutique EMP bag, but the only reason why it’s so much cheaper is that it doesn’t offer a closing point.
It can easily fit a myriad of smaller items, and you’ll be able to wrap up its top end to ensure all of the packed accessories are safe, but obviously, results will vary depending on the bulkiness (and the quantity) of items you pack each time. In short words, the Resister is resistant to water, dust, corrosion, scratches, and punctures, and it is available at a very attractive price.
- Exceptionally cheap
- Resistant to most types of damage, including dust, rust, corrosion, and water
- Relatively spacious
- Military-grade EMP protection
- No closing point
Onever Signal Blocking Faraday Bag
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Next up is Onever’s 2-pack Blocking Bag bundle. Essentially, this is a package of highly affordable Oxford cloth-made EMP pouches that can fit most smartphones and tablets. Even though these bags are significantly smaller than average, the fact that you’ll get two at such a low price is sure to net some extra value for the money.
Both models offer reliable EMP radiation shielding and both are exceptionally easy to use. The Onever EMP bags aren’t packed with too many features, and their simplicity is perhaps one of their strongest points.
- Remarkably easy to use
- Can fit most up-to-date smartphones and certain tablets
- Full Velcro closure
- Reliable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS blocking
- Very cheap
- Mediocre versatility
- Relatively flimsy
Hodufy Faraday Bag for Phones
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Here we have Hodufy’s Faraday bag for phones, which is an excellent choice if you’re new to Faraday technology and simply want to explore the benefits of this type of equipment. This particular model is outfitted with a handful of highly convenient features, including the silicone coated reinforcement and fiberglass EMP shielding construction.
The main downfall of this Faraday bag is its durability; you’ll probably want to handle it with care and perform regular maintenance, but other than that it offers similar benefits to those of its more expensive counterparts.
- Easy to use
- Silicone-coated reinforcement
- Fiberglass EMP shielding
- Highly affordable
- Decently flexible
- Relatively difficult to clean and maintain
Wisdompro Faraday Bag
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Our final pick of the day is Wisdompro’s Faraday RFID-blocking bag. In a nutshell, this is a 7.5 by 3.5 inch bag that can fit a number of smartphones and any medium-sized tablet. It’s arguably one of the lightest and most flexible Faraday bags on the market, although it’s certainly not the sturdiest model available.
It’s packed with simple features and is compatible with most iPhones, Samsung phones, LG smartphones, and popular models and it is supplied with a neat Velcro closure mechanism.
- Flexible, breathable, and ultra lightweight
- Available at a dirt-cheap price
- Reliable EMP shielding
- Can fit a couple of smartphones and a single mid-sized tablet
- Small and a bit flimsier than average
EMP bag Buying Guide
EMP/Faraday bags are essentially packed with similar features; the main differences between different models are seen through their size, weight, reliability, and comfort, which are basically the things most people look for in casual commuter bags.
However, there’s one thing that you may not look for in a normal bag that is very important for EMP bags – the top-end closing point. Namely, the reliability of Faraday bags is very simple to explain as they either work or don’t work; this doesn’t necessarily apply to bags that do not have a closing point, as they will leave certain angles exposed which further means they are not as effective as the ones that are supplied with such a feature.
Some EMP and Faraday bags aren’t supplied with carry straps; the design of these bags is as such that they offer a slight boost in reliability (due to the fact that the entire bag is covered with EMP-resistant material), but they’re a bit less portable and comfortable to wear.
Aesthetics are of little concern, but if you have a keen eye for pretty things, you should check if your EMP bag is available in different color and size options.
Finally, the price is quite a big factor here. The difference between boutique and budget models is measured in hundreds of dollars, and this is not necessarily a great representative of the value you’ll be able to squeeze out of certain models. More expensive models are packed with more convenient features, such as separate compartments for different items, larger storage, or more durable material. Reliability-wise, even cheap EMP bags work.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an EMP bag?
EMP bags are designed to protect electronic devices from electromagnetic waves and radiation, which most notably includes cyber attacks – hacking. They’re very easy to use and are supplied with passive features that automatically block off EMP waves and signals.
Are more expensive EMP bags more reliable than budget models?
In a nutshell, boutique EMP bags are typically larger and sturdier, but as far as reliability and actual EMP protection are at stake most models perform the same way. Military-grade EMP shielding features are a bit better, but those are meant to protect electronic devices from the most organized cyber criminals and the strongest tools in a hacker’s arsenal.
Are EMP bags and Faraday bags the same?
In short, yes – EMP and Faraday bags refer to the same things. Faraday is a scientific term for a unit of a single electric charge that is equal to the Faraday’s constant while EMP refers to ‘electromagnetic pulse’; even though the terms are different, they are both used to differentiate EMP-resistant bags from non-resistant models.
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