With a rich history that spans decades and with a commercial reach that touches every corner of the globe, it is no stretch to say that Oakley is a brand that is loved by countless enthusiasts around the world.
This hallowed popularity is in part due to the superb quality Oakley’s backpacks have. However, what really sets Oakley apart from the rest of the competition is how there always happens to be an Oakley for every occasion.
Whether it’s hiking, camping, studying, or just exploring the city, you’ll able to find an Oakley designed specifically for you. So, if you’re in need of a backpack and have decided to settle on an Oakley, know that you are in good hands.
Now comes the hard part: picking an Oakley. In our list below, we’ve compiled and reviewed some of the more popular Oakley backpacks in the market. All you have to do is read on and take your pick!
Best Oakley Backpack
Oakley Men’s Kitchen Sink Backpack
Oakley Men’s Enduro 2.0 25l Backpack
Oakley Enduro 2.0 30l Backpack
Oakley Men’s Link Pack Miltac
Oakley Men’s Utility Backpack
Oakley Men’s Street Backpack
Oakley OFS Allover Backpack
Oakley Men’s 90’s Backpack
Oakley Men’s Voyage 22L Backpack
Oakley Men’s Overdrive Backpack
A Buyer’s Guide to Oakley Backpacks
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do I ever have to wash my Oakley backpack?
Are Oakley backpacks allowed on flights?
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Best Oakley Backpack
# | Preview | Product | |
1 | | Oakley Men’s Kitchen Sink Backpack, Stealth Black, One Size | Buy on Amazon |
2 | | Oakley Men’s Enduro 2.0 25L Backpack, Blackout | Buy on Amazon |
3 | | Oakley Men’s Enduro 2.0 Big Backpack, Blackout Dark Heather, One Size | Buy on Amazon |
4 | | Oakley Men’s Link Pack Miltac, Coyote, U | Buy on Amazon |
5 | | Oakley Men’s Utility Backpack, Rye, One Size | Buy on Amazon |
Oakley Men’s Kitchen Sink Backpack
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Kicking our list off with one of Oakley’s more heavy-duty products, the Kitchen Sink Backpack will be ideal for anyone looking for something that’ll weather the demanding environments of a good, long hike outdoors. In this backpack, you’ll be equipped with 34-liters of carrying capacity which should be more than enough for even an overnight excursion along with several other, smaller compartments.
This includes accessory panels, a laptop compartment with padding, a bottom shoe panel, a media-player compartment for your music players, and a standard water bottle pocket on the side.
Now regardless of whether you choose to carry valuable electronics or not, know that the backpack is crafted out of extremely durable 100% fiber along with a polyurethane lining. This combined with its abrasion-resistant bottom panel easily makes this backpack one of the most durable on our list.
Carrying it is also a breeze thanks to its padded back and mesh-lined shoulder straps which ensures that even during the longest of journeys, your back is kept cool and comfy without excessive sweating.
Oakley Men’s Enduro 2.0 25l Backpack
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Though smaller than the Kitchen Sink, the Enduro is still every bit as fine a backpack for those looking for something more casual and compact. You’ll still have more than adequate storage space to keep all your belongings thanks to its 25-liter carrying capacity though!
This of course includes dedicated storage compartments for things like your laptop (up to 15-inches), clothes, books, and even your shades. All this is further complimented by even more compartments on the outside which grant any user free and easy access to key essentials like water bottles and so much more.
Speaking of the outside, do note that the Enduro it still is crafted with the highest-quality of materials that we associate Oakley with. Namely, 100% fiber that has been imported along with 100% polyester all along its compact dimensions of 19 x 12.5 x 8-inches.
Carrying it also makes for a comfortable experience due to its back panel and thin shoulder straps that’ll still withstand even the heaviest of loads.
Oakley Enduro 2.0 30l Backpack
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If the Enduro above caught your attention but you aren’t yet sold on it because of its admittedly limited storage space, consider their sibling product – the Enduro 2.0. Coming in three unique colors that’ll appeal to any palate, this sturdy, fiber-composed backpack with its polyester lining is one that is built for the urban environment.
With its 30-liter capacity, you’ll find a spacious interior fitted with multiple smaller compartments that are designed to store all sorts of things including keys, wallets, cards, and books. The large laptop compartment is also worthy of mention thanks to its secure padding which will safeguard it even during an accidental fall.
In further praise of the Enduro 2.0, you’ll be surprised to know that despite how large it appears, it only weighs in at a paltry 1-lbs.! This means even during the longest of commutes and walks, you shouldn’t feel much strain on your shoulders.
Oakley Men’s Link Pack Miltac
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If we had to describe this backpack in a word it would be tactical. This is in part due to its unique color schemes that include Coyote, Multicam, and even Blackout.
It isn’t just a pretty looker though so don’t be fooled. In here you’ll find a backpack designed to be used in the harshest of environments outdoors. Built out of 600D polyester, this thing will easily survive scratches and the occasional tumble.
Despite this, it still is remarkably light to carry, sitting at just 2.33-pounds and within you will find more than adequate space to store all your amenities along with some interesting additions.
This includes spacious pockets that’ll store food and clothes, a shoe pocket for your second pair of footwear if needed and even a hydration sleeve that’s equipped with a 2-litre water bladder that’ll provide your body with all the hydration it may need without the hassle of pulling out a water bottle.
With a mesh-lined back panel and secure straps, if you’re ever going on an outdoor adventure the Miltac will be an ideal companion.
Oakley Men’s Utility Backpack
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With three colors to pick from, Rye, New Dark Brush, and Blackout, the Oakley Men’s Utility will strongly appeal to anyone looking for something light, secure, and compact.
Formed out of a unique combination of 84% polyamide and 16% polyester, you can rest easy that your belongings on the inside will be carefully shielded against knocks and scratches. Sure, it may be small and light at just 1.7-lbs., but it is definitely one of the sturdier backpacks we’ve seen Oakley produce.
A cursory glance inside will reveal an assortment of pockets that include 4 slip pockets, 2 zip pockets, and on the outside, you’ll find 5 exterior pockets. There really is a pocket here for every occasion.
All this coupled with its generous shoulder drop length of 16-inches ensures that this is a backpack that’ll do just right for anyone regardless of height or gender.
Oakley Men’s Street Backpack
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Expressing your own individual flair has never been easier with the Oakley Street Backpack. Offering a diverse range of colors that include Core Camo, Iron Red, and even Alien Print, if you’re looking for something great for city life and something that’ll make you stand out, you’ve come to the right place.
With its 92% polyester and 8% polyurethane composition, it still is every bit as solid as the best urban backpacks are in the market. Weighing in at just 1.23-lbs. and coming fitted with a number of compartments on the inside and out, this is the type of backpack that we strongly recommend for those trying to live and move light.
So, if you’re looking for something to accompany you to school, college, the gym, or even the office, the Street Backpack should be high on your list.
Oakley OFS Allover Backpack
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The OFS Allover probably sits as the most affordable Oakley backpack on our list for those of you operating on a more frugal budget. Of course, though we say this we do not in any way intend on detracting from the quality of the product.
It is still in every way, a solid Oakley. Here you will find a backpack that has been streamlined down to the bare essentials and is ideal for anyone looking for something that’s effective yet straightforward, without excess bulkiness. Formed out of 75% nylon 25% polyester, the Allover will easily be able to carry even the heaviest of loads without breaking a sweat.
You’ll also find an external pocket with an added zip for extra security along with a large interior that’ll be able to fit books, clothes, and more. Though do note that there is no dedicated laptop compartment here!
Oakley Men’s 90’s Backpack
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With 22-liters of carrying capacity that’ll expand without a hitch when loaded up, the Oakley 90’s is great for those looking for something light and stylish.
It’s still every bit as durable though with its polyester composition in its lining combined with its 93% polyester 7% Tpu shell along with padded shoulder straps and its sternum strap. With its unique color tints, this is a backpack that combines both modern technological advances along with a more antiquated aesthetic and is perfect for anyone looking for something trendy.
Oakley Men’s Voyage 22L Backpack
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If you can’t decide on any one backpack because of how hectic and varied your daily life is, we strongly suggest getting a multi-purpose Oakley that’ll be right for any occasion.
This is where the Voyage comes in. With 22-liters of carrying capacity, this technical daypack will give anyone a modish and secure way to move around their precious belongings throughout the course of a day irrespective of time and place.
With a 100% polyester composition that ensures adequate protection against hail and rain and scratches, along with three unique colors to choose from, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a graduate student or a businessman – the Voyage will be right for you.
Oakley Men’s Overdrive Backpack
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Another great pick for anyone looking for something that’s built to survive rugged environments, the Overdrive will not disappoint. Carefully built out of the best 420D boomerang dobby, this backpack is definitely one of the more durable we’ve ever seen.
On the inside, you’ll find plenty of space along with an entire assortment of pockets that are specialized to store different things. You’ll find an inner sleeve that’ll secure your laptop, a large pocket to store your precious water bottles, and even a padded eyewear pocket to hold either your glasses or shades.
This all comes with a top-loading design as well, so you won’t ever have to worry about things slipping out from improperly zipping up the backpack!
A Buyer’s Guide to Oakley Backpacks
Getting a backpack that’s either too large or too small is truly a problem – though the former is often less troublesome. A good backpack is one that meets all your storage needs. Having to compensate by carrying smaller, additional bags on the off chance you pick a bag too small for you or simply feeling uncomfortable hauling around a backpack that’s a size too large for your needs is a waste of time and money.
So, to avoid disappointment, always ensure you assess your needs before forking out any money.
What you plan on using your backpack for plays in directly to the material you should make sure your backpack is made out of. If you intended to use your backpack only in the comfortable confines of the city or college, this point will not matter too much for you. We believe having a little too much security is better than none, however.
Conversely, if you intend on spending time outdoors, consider a backpack that’s built for the outdoors. These backpacks will usually be made out of sturdy materials such as abrasion-resistant padding as well as 400D polyester fabrics.
Not all backpacks come fitted with the same features. Some come with water bladders, some with padded laptop compartments, while others come with more basic and bare features. There is no one size fits all backpack for everyone so to avoid disappointment and annoyance, before picking an Oakley we suggest you draw up a list of things you need and expect to see in your backpack of choice before proceeding further!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do I ever have to wash my Oakley backpack?
Absolutely. Just because an Oakley is an Oakley doesn’t mean you can get away from not washing it. Leaving it unwashed is incredibly unhygienic and will cause a build-up of all sorts of nasty germs and dirt in your backpack, especially so if you plan on spending time outdoors.
Now the good news is that washing an Oakley couldn’t be easier. All you need is some warm or hot water along with a good measure of soap (even kitchen soap will do)!
Are Oakley backpacks allowed on flights?
So long as you aren’t planning on carrying anything dangerous, the answer is yes. You’ll be totally fine using an Oakley either as a carry-on or as a check-in bag. Oakley after all, is still just a bag.
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