If you go to a shooting range regularly, you need a way to carry all your gear that’s secure, well-organized and comfortable. Dedicated range backpacks are ideal for this, and we’ll go over which ones are the best and why in this article.
When it comes to transporting your shooting gear, you have the option to go with either a duffel range bag or a backpack. Both options have their pros and cons, but we’ll focus exclusively on backpacks in this article.
Best Range Backpacks
G.P.S. Handgunner Backpack
G.P.S. Tactical Range Backpack
G5 Outdoors Rolling Handgunner
Savior Equipment Mobile Arsenal
MidwayUSA Range Bag
NiceAndGreat Tactical Backpack
G.P.S. Wild About Shooting Handgunner
G.P.S. Sporting Clays Backpack
SUNLAND Range Backpack
REEBOW Tactical Sling Bag Pack
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5 | | Savior Equipment Mobile Arsenal SEMA 27L Tactical Range Bag Backpack Pistol Case | Buy on Amazon |
Why would you use a range backpack instead of a bag?
A range backpack is more comfortable when carrying heavier loads since the weight is distributed easier on the shoulders, and between guns, ammunition, eyewear and hearing protection, your shooting gear can end up weighing quite a bit.
A range backpack is also more inconspicuous and you can carry it through town without raising any eyebrows. You may not want everyone to know that you’re carrying firearms, although it’s perfectly legal all over the United States.
What you should expect from a quality range backpack?
A great range backpack should be made of quality and highly durable materials since the content of your pack is extremely sensitive. You’ll want it to be very spacious so you can fit everything in there, but well compartmentalized with a lot of dividers. Last but not least, a locking system can be a great addition, as a responsible gun owner, it’s your duty to secure your guns at all time and in all places.
Here are the best range backpacks we recommend:
G.P.S. Handgunner Backpack
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The GPS Handgunner backpack is the best selling range backpack and for good reason. The layout is well thought out with 12 labeled compartments so you can store every piece of your shooting gear in its proper place.
The lower compartment contains a sliding foam cradle able to hold four handguns and there are numerous pouches for your ammunition and other accessories.
The backpack is built from high-quality materials able to withstand a lot of wear and tear and still feel brand new. The zippers are robust and can be zipped both ways. There is a heavy-duty handle on top of the pack, solid enough to carry serious weight.
The only slight downside is that not all type of guns fit in the bottom cradle, so some customers choose to do custom modifications to change it from the original 4 compartments into 3 to allow for more space for each gun.
Overall you can clearly see that this range backpack has been designed exclusively for gun enthusiasts, so if you have the budget to afford it, go for it without hesitation.
G.P.S. Tactical Range Backpack
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The GPS Tactical Range Backpack has a slightly different layout and a different style than the Handgunner model, but the same quality and care has been put into designing this range pack as well.
It features three internal handgun cases located in the main compartment that is lockable to meet California’s requirements for transporting guns. There is a triple stitched MOLLE webbing system so you can add additional pouches if needed, but this range backpack comes with four zippered pockets which should be more than enough for your ammo and other accessories.
The GPS Tactical Range Backpack has been designed for outdoor use, and has padded shoulder straps in addition to a waist belt for longer hauls.
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The Explorer Range Backpack is the latest model in Explorer’s line of packs and a lot of improvements have been made to ensure it covers all the bases and it meets every customer’s standards.
It starts with a very robust construction built from heavy-duty padded material, reinforced double-stitched seaming, and molded nylon buckles.
The backpack can be easily customized to fit your specific shooting gear since the interior features a Velcro divider and Velcro on the sides, so you can compartmentalize the space as you see fit. There are six clips holders on the outside, a target holder, an extra pouch at the lower lid and even a laptop compartment.
The only downside is that the backpack does not have MOLLE webbing for adding extra accessories, but you should have enough space as it is.
G5 Outdoors Rolling Handgunner
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The G5 Outdoors Rolling Handgunner backpack is a range backpack that makes transporting even the heaviest shooting gear a breeze.
If you thought that a backpack is a significant upgrade over a duffel bag since you can distribute the weight on your shoulders, wait till you see how easy is it to use this rolling backpack with a pull handle and wheels. You can pack as much gear as you want and never worry about carrying it to the range.
All the other features that GPS uses for their previous range backpacks are available here as well, from the well compartmentalized interior to plenty of icon labelled pockets.
This range backpack however does not feature a rain cover, so keep that in mind if you’re planning to carry it through bad weather.
Savior Equipment Mobile Arsenal
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The Savior Equipment range backpack combines efficiency with style in a compact product that can be easily worn as a regular pack. Although on the outside it may look like a normal daypack, the interior is fitted to specifically accommodate shooting gear and meet gun carrying regulations.
There are 3 individual gun cases included, each of them featuring their own lockable zipper. Additional pouches and accessories for your ammo, safety equipment, rolling targets and everything else are also widely available.
This backpack is bigger than it looks and a little heavy even when it’s empty but offers enough room to pack everything and comes at a very affordable price, which is why we like it a lot.
MidwayUSA Range Bag
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The MidwayUSA is not a very popular brand, but their range backpack is very sturdy and will last you for a long time. Made of PVC coated polyester with reinforced stitching and heavy-duty zippers, this backpack has all the features you need to carry your shooting gear to the range and back.
The bottom compartment contains three padded pistol cases as well as six elastic magazine holders, while the top compartment is designed for storing your ammunition.
The side pockets and pouches are an excellent fit for your safety glasses and hearing protection, and there’s even an extra large water bottle pocket.
NiceAndGreat Tactical Backpack
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The NiceAndGreat tactical backpack is another hidden gem which shows that you don’t need to overspend on a high-end brand to get a quality range backpack.
The bag feels very durable, made of rugged materials, and everything about it – from the quality of the fabric to the heavy-duty zippers – inspires confidence in its ability to sustain the wear and tear required from a range bag without a hiccup.
The bag has plenty of room in its 10 compartments, with 5 padded individual gun pouches and 12 magazine holders. And if you’re planning to wear it outdoors, don’t worry, the fabric is water resistant and the backpack comes equipped with a rain cover.
G.P.S. Wild About Shooting Handgunner
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Another great model from GPS, the Wild About Handgunner range backpack features a unique green/khaki color that will make sure you’re carrying your gear in style. The internal foam cradle has lockable zippers, is able to house 4 handguns and can slide in-and-out of the backpack with ease.
The rest of the compartments are labeled using an icon-based system, so you know where to store the rest of your accessories and how to retrieve them fast and easy. There’s also a waterproof pull out cover in case you’re taking this backpack outside.
G.P.S. Sporting Clays Backpack
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The GPS Sporting Clays Backpack is a model that’s designed for hands-free transportation of your guns and ammo to the range and back. It’s extremely spacious and can pack up a lot of gear, and the construction of the pack is sturdy enough to support very heavy loads.
The bag is pretty similar to GPS’s previous range backpacks, apart from the pistol inserts, but also features a removable mesh hull bag for your hulls and a side pocket with choke holders and clear tubes.
The compartment for shell can easily store 8 to 10 boxes and the eye glass holder is lined with soft fabric to protect your gear.
SUNLAND Range Backpack
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The Sunland range backpack provides a lot of storage space for your shooting gear using a 3 main pockets layout. The bottom compartment is designed to hold your guns and contains 3 removable gun case bags which are lockable and feature extra padding for your gun’s protection.
Additional side pockets are ideal for storing your eye and ear protection, water bottles, or your target holder. And in case you don’t have enough space, this range backpack also provides MOLLE webbing so you can customize it further.
REEBOW Tactical Sling Bag Pack
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A dedicated range backpack with removable gun cases, dedicated compartments, and all the other bells and whistles is expensive, and while we provided plenty of options for those that have the budget to invest in one, we decided to reserve the last spot for a more affordable and budget-friendly range backpack.
And our top recommendation is the REEBOW Tactical assault bag which can act as a range bag if you’re not looking to carry too many guns. It does not feature dedicated gun cases or holders but it has a handgun pocket for concealed carrying and plenty of room for ammunition and the rest of your gear.
We hope that you enjoyed our top list and no matter which range backpack you choose, make sure that your guns are properly secured and all the equipment is well organized since that will save you a lot of time and hassle at the range.
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