If you know anything about bags (and you probably do, otherwise you’d be looking at cat pictures on BuzzFeed like literally everyone else on the Internet), you know that Hermes is the holy grail. Sure, a woman’s personal grail bag might not be Hermes, but when it comes to the hierarchy of luxury handbags, no one beats Hermes at its own game. That also means that the brand’s bags are notoriously hard to locate, particularly in the most sought-after colors and exotics. Thanks to Moda Operandi and Heritage Luxury Auctions, though, you now have a number of Hermes bags at your fingertips through April 16.
Moda and Heritage run these sales every now and then, and they never fail to get me excited. This particular sale contains everything from rare Club Birkins and exotic options to a very special limited-edition sterling silver Mini Kelly. Some bags have already sold, but there are plenty of beautiful pieces left, particularly if you’ve got money to spend in the high five figures. Shop the full sale via Moda Operandi or admire our favorites below.
Junyuan bagsTen articles before and after
Kim Kardashian will sell two of her Hermes bags via Heritage Auctions-Junyuan bags
Love it or Leave it: the Hermes Kelly Lakis-Junyuan bags
At Portero, you’ve got over 100 Hermes Birkins at your fingertips-Junyuan bags
Moda Operandi’s punk boutique has a late arrival: this custom-graffiti’d Hermes Birkin-Junyuan bags
Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner double up with rare Hermes Birkins-Junyuan bags
In fashion, Hermes is still your safest investment-Junyuan bags
All of this Hermes eye candy could be yours if you’re feeling spendy-Junyuan bags
Jenny McCarthy carries the totally underrated Hermes Jypsiere-Junyuan bags
Watch out for an Hermes price increase in the coming weeks-Junyuan bags