Leather bags come quite costly. So, when you spend a fortune on a bag, you want only quality products. But, even after spending a lot of money for genuine leather messenger bags, you can see the stitches coming out, the leather getting cracked, the hardware caught rust, and whatnot! Hence, it is absolutely necessary for you to follow a few factors while choosing a leather messenger bag for your use.Â
- Choose the original leather: You need to choose the high-grade leather that reflects a good patina once it ages. Patina means a sheeny and weathered look that genuine leathers show once they age well. Genuine leather has a distinctive smell that can be identified easily. Always go for full-grain leather and never settle down for bonded ones. Bonded leather is made with scraps of leather. It never ages well, and it doesn’t have a good smell. Second-class leather products do not stay the same for long.Â
- Country of origin: It matters a lot from where you are sourcing your bag. Countries like Italy, the USA, France, England, etc., produce genuine leather bags with amazing stitching quality. These countries tan the leather well, and hence; one should buy products made from these countries only. But, in recent times, some companies do prepare the whole thing in other countries and finish making the bag in Italy. They stamp the product with ‘made in Italy’ when the truth is something else. Thus, it is important for you to choose a brand that produces the bag in Italy only.Â
- Proper Tanning: Now that we talk about tanning, you must know the difference between two very popular tanning processes. Chrome tanning uses Chromium and other chemicals that are used for tanning the leather. It takes about a few days to finish as harsh chemicals are involved. As it completes quickly, it is quite cheap and available in abundance. Almost 90% of the leather products available in the market are tanned with this process. On the other hand, vegetable tanning is done with all-natural resources. Leathers are soaked in natural tanners for weeks and sometimes for months. The leather produced in this process is way thicker than the chrome ones. But once you start using it, it gets better and has a sleek and soft finish. As the whole process takes a lot of time, the leather ages well, and the product is quite pricey.Â
- Hardware check: Not only the leather but small metal parts are also an important part of the bag. So when you are buying a leather bag, you should check these small details properly. You must check the buckles, locks, handles, shoulder straps, metallic rings, and especially the zip. Always go for metal zips and never settle down for plastic ones. When you spend some time looking for good-quality metal parts, you can get the best bag. A genuine leather bag manufacturer incorporates good quality metal parts in the bag.Â
- Durability: Leather bags are known for their durable nature. While buying a leather bag, check the straps first. You must expect the handles to be stitched to the bag or tied with some metallic rings. Do not buy leather bags where the straps are glued to the bag. Full-grain leather bags are pricey, but they are perfect for long-run use. Bonded leather bags do not last long, but they are quite affordable. Check the stitches closely before buying the bag.Â
Endnote: If you have gone through the content, you know how to identify genuine leather messenger bags. Please follow the factors mentioned here, and then only you can buy genuine leather products.Â
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- Are Leather Messenger Bags For Men Necessary
- Top 5 qualities of Handmade Duffle Bags