Hog hunting is becoming a regular pastime for woodsmen all across the United States, thanks to the growing feral pig population. If you’re looking for a firearm that can bag a couple of hogs in no time at all, you’ve found the right guide.
Let’s break down the top three rifles for hog hunting now.
What Makes a Good Hog Rifle?
1. Winchester Model 70 in .30-06
2. Marlin Classic Model 1895 in .45-70
3. Ruger American in .308 Winchester
What Makes a Good Hog Rifle?
The convenient thing about hog hunting is that you can use many of the same rifles and calibers of bullets as you would for hunting deer, coyotes, and similar-sized game.
Hogs have a reputation for durability, but they are far from bulletproof and aren’t actually much tougher than the animals mentioned above.
Still, you definitely want a great rifle if you don’t already have a suitable firearm for taking down deer.
Consider adding things like optics to your rifle, as they can help you spot a hog from further away.
This is more important than you may think since hogs can rush you in the brush and really cause injury.
Hunting hogs is not like hunting deer – you always want to be a fair distance away so they don’t attack.
Beyond optics, make sure to consider the caliber. Only use rifles chambered for .30-06 or similar ammunition.
In short, you want cartridges that can deliver high stopping power and plenty of damage in a single shot.
Again, anything that can take down a deer is usually great for hunting hogs.
That’s why, below, you’ll see that all of the top rifle choices for hog hunting also double as decent deer or coyote firearms.
Let’s break them down one by one.
1. Winchester Model 70 in .30-06
These rifles are among the top bolt action rifles ever manufactured, and we’d specifically recommend models chambered for .30-06, which is one of the greatest hunting cartridges ever made.
The rifles were first created in the 1930s, but you can find modern versions with exceptional wooden stocks and recoil reducing pads, making your hunting experience even easier.
Be sure to look for Model 70s that have ring attachments for a great scope.
Combine this rifle with a top-quality optic, and you’ll be able to take down a hog at over 200 yards (so long as you have the right experience, of course).
2. Marlin Classic Model 1895 in .45-70 Hog Hunting

MODEL 1895SBL image by Marlin Firearms
Also called the Marlin “Guide Gun”, this quality firearm now comes in modern models that can hold up to 6 plus 1 cartridges and only weighs about 7 pounds.
Thus, it’s easy to carry for long marches through the brush.
We recommend this rifle chambered in .45-70 for added stopping power and accuracy at mid-to-long ranges.
Most of these guns will come with a barrel length of over 30 inches, too, which adds to their overall accuracy.
Plus, the rifle just plain looks cool, like something you should sling over the saddle of your horse as you journey through the Wild West.
3. Ruger American in .308 Winchester
This hunting rifle is most often used for deer, but also means it’ll be perfect for hog hunting.
Choose one chambered for .308 Winchester and you’ll have a lean, mean hunting machine.
This all-around hunting rifle is perfect for taking down a wide variety of game.
Most modern models can be purchased with slick mounting systems and comfortable synthetic stocks.
Just keep in mind that it’s a bolt action rifle, so it’s better suited for taking down a few feral hogs instead of a larger herd that might attack after the first shot.
At the end of the day, the right hog hunting rifle for you depends on your budget and preferences.
Try out one of the models above or let us know if you already have some experience with one of the rifles! We’d be interested to hear your opinions in the comments section!
People also want to know
Is a 45-70 good for hog hunting?
45-70 loads are a good choice for large boars, so much so that it is rapidly becoming the caliber of choice of many hog hunters.
How far will a 45-70 shoot accurately?
The . 45-70 Govt is very effective out to around 150 yards with minimal bullet drop, but it’s capable of great accuracy and longer range shooting as well. Using modern, smokeless powder, most of the ammunition manufacturers currently produce a wide variety of loads of varying power for the . 45-70.
What is the best rifle caliber for hog hunting?
Granted, the . 223, 5.56 is also a popular caliber that many AR-style rifles are chambered in but without the ability to always make precise bullet placement on moving hogs, the . 308 or 6.5 or 6.8 is a far better round for shooting running hogs.
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