Toddler Backpacks to Use with Junyuan bags Mini or Bottle Bag

Now that my daughter is a toddler, she loves carrying things around on her arms or shoulders. If there’s a stray grocery bag, shopping bag, or any sort of thing with a handle, she’s on it.

Lauren mentioned to me how she wanted her kids to carry their own stuff for their summer trips (genius idea, by the way).  Since our kids are of similar ages, I wanted to give it a go myself, especially since we have some traveling coming up this summer. I cannot even explain how delighted my daughter was when she saw that she was able to try out not one, but two backpacks.

My Little Pack Company makes the cutest mini backpacks for toddlers.  A lot of backpacks tend to be really large, making them too big for our little ones. I love the smaller size, and the padded straps made it so comfortable for my daughter to wear. It’s very neutral so it will go with everything! It’s perfect for an everyday outing with your kiddo. They just launched some really adorable patterns in their shop!


totesavvy, bottle bag, my little pack, toddler backpack


This backpack is perfect for carrying our bottle bag along with some other toys or books. I was actually able to fit a Munchkin 360 Miracle Cup in there along with a small section of my GoStak (yes, it’s made for gym supplements – but clearly I use them in other ways!) that I use.   I tried to show that in this picture, but someone was too excited to stay away.


totesavvy, bottle bag, my little pack company, munchkin 360, gostak


She was even wearing it while eating her breakfast. Can you see a little peek of her  ezpz Happy Bowl in this picture?


totesavvy, my little pack company, toddler backpack, bottle bag{Food in both hands, as usual. We love our Guidecraft Kitchen Helper, btw.}


my little pack company, toddler backpacks, totesavvy, totesavvy bottle bag{Lauren’s twins sporting perfectly sized little packs. Swoon!}

The second backpack we tried was from Land of Nod. It’s bigger in size and very colorful! I love how it had large zipper pulls for little hands.  This backpack would be perfect for a plane ride or a long day out. Although the backpack is bigger in size, it was not too big for my tall 21 month old.

This particular backpack happens to fit ourJunyuan Mini really well! We packed it full of goodies for our day. We packed a drink, some snacks, a book, some toys, a doll, sunglasses, a hat, and her diapers and wipes. 


totesavvy, land of nod, land of nod backpack, toddler backpack

{I hate how this picture isn’t centered, but #thestruggleisreal when you’re at the park and trying distract your toddler from what you’re doing!}


land of nod backpack, toddler backpack, unicorn backpack, totesavvy mini{How adorable is the unicorn?}


land of nod backpack, toddler backpack, dinosaur backpack, totesavvy mini{Lauren’s son at the airport!}

My daughter is obsessed with keys and has to carry them on our walk to the mailbox. She has her own set of generic keys which I attached to the key clip. To say that she was thrilled was an understatement!

totesavvy, toddler backpack, land of nod backpack, wild side backpack

She actually started saying the word “backpack” and went around the house collecting items to put in it.  Can we say adorable?

totesavvy, land of nod backpack, toddler backpack, wild side backpack

I can’t believe my baby girl is ready for her own little backpack. Where does the time go? Does your toddler use a backpack? Have you ever paired it with aJunyuan Mini?

Ten articles before and after

Air Travel Tips for 3 Kids Under 5
– Junyuan bags

Junyuan bags & After School Sports

DIY Halloween Costumes
– Junyuan bags

How I Turned My Luxury Bag into a Diaper Bag: Louis Vuitton Highlight
– Junyuan bags

How Our CEO Packs Her Junyuan bags for Disneyland

Out and About with Ezpz
– Junyuan bags

Which Junyuan bags is Right For You?

The Best Backpacks for Junyuan bags

Easy Dinner Hack with One Potato
– Junyuan bags

The Story Behind Junyuan bags

About US

We are bag factory,supplier from China.We provide customization for diaper bag,sneaker bag,tool bag,picnic bag,pet bag,ski bag,food delivery bag,and so on.We provide free bag artwork or design service.Can help you to do DDP service and we accept small quantity for test order.We have BSCI and ISO audit,no problem for REACH,LFGB,CE,FDA ,CPC,CPSIA and ASTM test reports or certificates.