Picnic Backpack
What’s in a picnic backpack?
Picnic backpacks come with cooler compartments, bottle holders, and fleece blankets– the entire spread all-in-one. Some have full dining sets, others have plenty of room for beer and wine, and all of them make a trip to the park with friends or family a no-brainer.

A picnic backpack is exactly what it sounds like, a canvas or leather backpack intended for the sole purpose of carrying those items needed for the perfect picnic. Rather than packing a basket or cooler with edible goodies, plates, cups, silverware and other items, you can use a backpack instead. This should make for easier carrying.
Because the backpack comes complete with all components necessary for the perfect picnic, each item has its own specific place, making everything convenient to find, pack and carry.
In most cases the standard picnic backpack comes with the following features:
- Linen for laying over a picnic table or on the ground
- Linen napkins
- Plates made from either melamine or Corel
- Wine glasses, usually acrylic
- Cutlery made of plastic or stainless steel
- Wine tote
- Cooler pocket for toting food

Picnic baskets might also include a corkscrew.
This isn’t all, however. Depending on how much money you’re willing to part with, your picnic backpack can contain other items as well. If you’re going for one of the upgraded versions, your picnic backpack might also contain a corkscrew, a cheese board and knife, salt and pepper shakers, or a wine stopper.

The picnic backpack comes in a range of colors and styles. Since the person carrying the backpack will be toting quite a bit of gear, the items included are lightweight but sturdy. The backpack itself is styled for comfort. Most picnic backpacks come with a padded back and straps. A picnic backpack is fully insulated so cold food will stay cold and hot food will keep warm. Linens come in a variety of colors and styles. Usually they’re plaid or gingham, though they are also available in a solid pattern.
Sandwiches are a great item to bring on a picnic.
There’s a picnic backpack for all price ranges beginning in the low $20 range. They can cost well over $100 for deluxe models. As you can tell by the items included, these backpacks aren’t for family reunions or company picnics, but rather for an intimate gathering of two to four people. Can you imagine a more romantic date than having a wine and cheese picnic in the woods or on a secluded section of the beach?

Sweet tea is a good picnic drink.
In case you’re wondering about cleanup, you can rest assured that all picnic backpacks are easy to clean with a damp cloth or sponge. Many can be run through the washing machine as well. Be sure to read the care instructions on your model and follow them accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of picnic basket?
A picnic basket or picnic hamper is a basket intended to hold food and tableware for a picnic meal. Picnic baskets are standard equipment at many picnics. A traditional picnic hamper is made of woven wicker.

Do people still use picnic baskets?
You can still find the basic but iconic wicker basket as well as eco-friendly options made of sustainable woodchips. There are also picnic baskets made from BPA-free plastic, very much like a Rubbermaid container. Soft-sided baskets often have a durable canvas polyester.

What do you pack in a picnic basket?
Perishable foods like meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products should be packed safely. Pack perishable foods in an insulated cooler bag with freezer packs. You can also freeze water bottles or juice boxes and use them as freezer packs. Eat perishable foods first when they’re still cold.
The next time you’re stuck for a shower, wedding or anniversary gift for your favorite couple, why not consider a picnic backpack? The happy couple will be touched by your romantic gesture!